Destroying America Because the the other side wins


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

What I can say for sure is that there are groups of people who would rather see the USA being destroyed than allow it to be led by people from “the other side.” Everything is connected. Kick over that one domino in front of you, like Trump, and it sets in motion unforeseen events. This seems to be part of the entire process as we head into 2032.


Former First Lady Melania Trump just issued a statement on the assassination attempt targeting her husband. She wrote that “when I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change.”Melania has been mostly out of the public eye during Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign.  She called on Americans to “ascend above the hate” and “simple-minded ideas that incite violence.” I feel with profound sorrow that her words are not LEFT or RIGHT. When you allow such violence to be taken out on political leaders, the damage is far more than meets the eye. This is a deterrent to all those who think that they can change the system. Even running for office now suggests you should have no family because you put them in harm’s way as well.

Our debt system of perpetual borrowing to maintain power is coming to an end. Many people are starting to question what is going on. Here is the latest song by Lumberjack calling out what we are gradually coming to grasp post-COVID. This is the younger generation starting to take notice.

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