Demonic, Foul, Obscene and Disgusting – The Olympic Opening Ceremony in Paris


from The Conservative Treehouse:

First, a lot of people want to talk about it, I do not.

As my grandmother would often shout when we experienced a dark outcome, “GET BEHIND ME SATAN!

What was witnessed in the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Paris was beyond grotesque.  Physical evil manifesting and parading in front of the world as if Baal was the organizer of the events.  A completely demonic representation of everything the leftists within politics stand for.  I’m not putting that stuff in my head.


What I will say is that a faceless demon riding a pale horse down the river Siene, to hand the Olympic flag to a team of demons who hoisted it “upside down” sounds exactly like the culture French President Emmanuel Macron has created for his nation.

Sickening, all of it.

…And people wonder why God provided horrible weather. Go figure!

[Daily Mail Here] and [Daily Mail Here]



This guy has it exactly correct: Galatians 6:7

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