Democrats Have No Good Way Forward And Deserve To Suffer


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

It’s horrible when bad things happen to good people. This isn’t a story about that, this is a story about bad things happening to Democrats – think of it as evidence that karma may, in fact, exist. Or at least that God has a sense of humor. Because the corner that Democrats have painted themselves into has no good or easy way out, and the only have themselves to blame.


This doesn’t mean that Democrats are going to lose – never underestimate the Republican skill of being able to blow an election – it just means it will take extraordinary events in order to just get them back to even.

Does Joe Biden survive the week is not a crack about his age, it’s a question about his will. Sooner or later, the time will come where enough Democrats look at a shrinking calendar and poll numbers and realize there is likely not enough of the former to make up for the latter. But all of their alternatives are just as tainted by Joe Biden as Joe Biden is. 

It’s a glorious mess they’ve created for themselves. That they’ve taken so much of the media with them is the icing on top. How can they get out of it?

There is no good way. 

1) Biden stays. They can’t get rid of him, legally, anyway. I suppose the delegates could simply refuse to vote for him in defiance of their party’s rules. Not sure what would happen there, or what would happen if they walked out without voting for enough rounds that they got to the point where the Super Delegates get a say and they’re all free to vote how they like, but it would be fun to watch. 

The problem is some state’s laws obligate delegates to vote how the primary commanded them to. It’s unlikely that the party of letting violent criminals go is going to charge hard after delegates not voting for a slightly animated corpse, but if their Attorney General is a Biden loyalist, you never know.

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