Democrats Are the Real Threat To Democracy


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

It’s funny watching these extreme leftists congratulating themselves for “telling the truth” about Joe Biden’s decline after four years of screaming obscenities at people who pointed it out before they could no longer deny it. Honestly – and I’m telling the real truth here – they can all go straight to hell.

There is nothing honest about these people, honestly. They don’t care about anything beyond the election and winning it. To tell you the truth, I wish Republicans could find that level of focus.


Democrats are like the terminator – they can’t be reasoned with and they will never stop, unless destroyed.

Listen to Democrats talk about abortion, for example. It’s all about how those damned “Republicans have gotten so extreme on abortion.” How? They never say because nothing has changed, going back to at least the Reagan administration.

Democrats, on the other hand, have changed dramatically. They’ve gone from wanting abortion to be “safe, legal, and RARE,” to up till the moment of the birth. They all swear that’s not true, but they won’t entertain the idea of any limits. If abortion in the ninth month “never happens,” as Democrats insist, then what is the harm in banning it? If a city wanted to ban unicorns, what does it matter? They don’t exist, so ban them. You could argue it’s a waste of time, but that’s it. Government wastes all kinds of time, so who cares? If voter fraud never happens, what’s the problem with putting into place some measures to ensure it doesn’t?

You see why Democrats oppose the concept – they will not ban something that never happens and they won’t admit to supporting. Weird, right?

Nothing Democrats do has the interests of the nation at its heart. The discussion over Biden has never been about his ability to do the job, it’s been about his ability to get reelected or now. That’s all. Joy Reid said she’d happily vote for Biden in a coma to keep Trump out of the White House again. She might get that chance.

Hell, she kind of already did in 2020, didn’t she?

There isn’t much of a difference between Biden in 2020 and Biden now, except the polling numbers. If Joe were running away with this election, if he weren’t the worst president in history, none of this discussion would be taking place. If Donald Trump hadn’t brilliantly accepted Biden’s “debate challenge” immediately, there likely wouldn’t have been any debates and these sycophants with press passes would still be defending the White House from “cheap fakes” and other mythical boogeymen.

It no longer matters how long they were all involved in the cover-up, that they’ve all been involved in the cover-up is all that matters.

These people cannot be trusted again. Ever.

Now we get word that Biden is planning on appealing to black voters and union members to save his political behind. Honestly, why would either group vote for him?

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