Biden’s Dementia: What Did They Know and When Did They Know It? -Updated


by Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:

“What did the president know, and when did he know it?”

This famous question was asked 50 years ago by Sen. Howard Baker about the Watergate scandal.

This eventually brought down President Richard Nixon, leading to the installation of President Gerald R. Ford and his vice president, Nelson Rockefeller.

Neither were elected by the people, they were instead selected by the ruling class.

Nixon’s elected vice president, Spiro Agnew, resigned from office over alleged tax and financial crimes. House Speaker Carl Albert selected Ford as Nixon’s new vice president, saying, “We gave Nixon no choice but Ford.” Nixon then resigned, elevating Ford to the presidency.


Ford then nominated Rockefeller to be his VP and despite some controversy, he was confirmed by Congress. Note that neither were elected by the American people, at least to the White House.

Will the ruling class soon pick the next president and vice president, history repeating itself 50 years later with a new set of characters?

Should Sen. Baker’s question be asked today, not of the president but of his family, handlers, media enablers, and fellow Democrats?

A quote attributed to Mark Twain, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” may be playing out this summer, rhyming with Nixon’s resignation and an installed president.

Except to President Biden’s family, loyal Democrats, much of the corporate media, and paid Twitter fanboys and fangirls, Biden appears to be suffering from dementia.

There is the caveat and peril of diagnosing someone from afar. This is called the Goldwater Rule over a group of psychiatrists opining on Goldwater’s mental state as the Republican presidential candidate running against Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

The rule states:

The American Psychiatric Association adopted the Goldwater Rule in 1973 prohibiting members from offering psychological opinions about individuals whom they had not personally examined.

The same people denying the obvious about Biden had no problem calling Trump crazy and mentally unfit, without examining him. This cabal was led by Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee:

In 2017, she put together a conference and consulted other medical professionals, then published a book containing 27 essays from psychologists and psychiatrists calling Trump a “clear and present danger.” The book outlined all of the ways a Trump presidency could threaten the country, with writers touching upon his perceived sociopathy, narcissism, paranoid delusions, impulse control problems, antsocial personality disorder and a range of other concerning traits.

Sociopathic Donald Trump secured the national border (as much as he could), gave America energy independence, a strong economy with low inflation and unemployment, a Constitution-following U.S. Supreme Court, and no foreign wars.

If only every president were so “paranoid and impulsive.” So what if he’s a narcissist? Which elected official in Washington, D.C. is not?

President Joe Biden’s mental status was on recent display during the live presidential debate against Donald Trump. Biden robotically walked to the podium, and at the end required the assistance of his wife to navigate a short step off the stage.

Biden stuttered and sputtered, and only a few minutes into the debate, lost his train of thought. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he muttered something out of left field, “We finally beat Medicare.”

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