As Democrats Protest Outside Of White House Calling For Biden To Step Down, The Buzz Is That Hillary Clinton Will Replace Him As Nominee At DNC


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Democrats just might want to replace President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee with Hillary Rodham Clinton at the DNC.

Today over in front of the Biden White House, a very large and passionate group of Democrat protestors gathered to chant, in unison, “Hey hey, ho ho, thank you, Joe, it’s time to go!”. Joe Biden does not want to step down, but the majority of Democrats very much do, and it is more than a little startling to see the sharks coalesce over the blood in the political waters. Joe Biden will indeed go, but who will it be to replace him? No one wants Kamala, Michele Obama would be a game-changer but she has repeatedly said no. So who will it be? Well, at the moment, DC is buzzing about the return of Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Alex Jones is already posting videos that he has “assurance from inside sources” that Hillary will be nominated at the DNC, and while certainly anything is possible, at this point it would seem unlikely. The main reason is that if she got power, it would not be shared with the Obamas, and since Barack is looking for a fourth term, I do not see Hillary getting the nod. But we live in crazy times that get crazier by the minute, and you have to be ready at all times for the unexpected. That’s why my metaphorical money is on Michelle Obama, that’s what the Democrats would do if they were really serious about winning. Hillary has a new book coming out in September, is she planning on a new chapter as well?

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