An In-Depth Look at the Depravity of the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony


from Vigilant Citizen:

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics generated such backlash that it was effectively scrubbed off the internet. However, this mega-ritual should not be forgotten. This article details the symbolic meaning of this ceremony, which celebrated France’s capitulation to the occult elite’s sick, satanic, and thoroughly degenerate agenda.


As I watched the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics live, two thoughts repeatedly came to mind: “France has fallen” and “We’re living in Sodom and Gomorrah.” These exact thoughts probably came to lots of other people’s minds because the backlash was immediate and came from all over the world. While mass media attempted to dismiss the outrage it simultaneously engaged in another mission: Scrubbing the internet of videos of the ceremony. The official YouTube channel of the Olympics and news channels all decided that this thing needed to be forever forgotten. Even YouTube channels that used some footage to comment on the ceremony were hit with copyright strikes.

In short, they don’t want people to rewatch this thing intently because it contains several outright shameful moments. However, the damage was done: The occult elite carried out its mega-ritual for the entire world to see, and the foul energy that emanated from it was harvested.

Needless to say, I was fully expecting symbol shenanigans during the ceremony. In 2012, I wrote an analysis of the Opening and Closing ceremonies of the London Olympics, which were highly symbolic (and even prophetic). However, after witnessing the Paris ritual, the London ceremonies were, comparatively, the epitome of class and good taste. I mean, at least children could watch it.

It’s not like the Paris ceremonies skimped out on the effort and expenses. While Olympic ceremonies usually occur in a stadium, the Paris organizers daringly chose to have them within the city itself, and the results were often visually striking and grandiose. However, by doing so, the elite also exposed its outright hypocrisy.

The same globalist elite that is purposely turning cities around the world into hellholes through lax policies and uncontrolled immigration expelled thousands of migrants and homeless people from Paris for the Olympics. They don’t want to see any of this when they’re around.

Usually, Olympic ceremonies celebrate the culture, history, and achievements of the host nation. Using powerful symbolism, the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics accomplished the exact opposite: They were about the subjugation of France, along with its rich culture, to the sick, depraved, and thoroughly satanic global culture of the occult elite. Even when pieces of France’s history and culture were seemingly “honored,” it was through a distorted lens that ultimately celebrated their corruption.

Here’s a look at the ceremony.

From Darkness to Light

All Olympic ceremonies are inherently highly symbolic and charged with a deep occult meaning. Indeed, modern Olympics were revived by Pierre de Coubertin, a French aristocrat who was an active Freemason.

Pierre de Coubertin was an active Freemason from his days at Oxford University where he was initiated in Apollo University Lodge No 357, Oxford, England in 1890.

The torch-bearing ceremony surrounding the Olympics is imbued with occult meanings that are directly linked with de Coubertin’s Masonic ties. In occultism, Lucifer is perceived as a savior for passing the light of divine knowledge to humanity. In Latin, Lucifer literally means “light bearer”.

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