‘An absolute country-killer’: Navy commander: Biden’s ‘weaponized mass migration’ about to explode


from WND:

‘Do we want to be standing in the rubble, or do we want to talk about solutions?’

As America nears the 2024 presidential election, grave danger looms – and soon – warns a retired U.S. Navy commander and Republican candidate for Congress.

Jay Furman, running to represent Texas’ 28th Congressional District, a border district, served 28 years in the military before retiring to south Texas. He spoke to WND exclusively about the Biden administration’s unprecedented open-border policies, which he witnesses personally along the Texas-Mexico border. He characterizes the danger posed by unknown and too-often malevolent actors allowed to enter the country illegally as “an absolute country-killer.”

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Having attended college in the Lone Star State decades ago, and now living in southern Texas, Furman told WND, “The border I left is not the border we have now.”

Drug trafficking was once the most concerning problem associated with the U.S.-Mexico border, he explained.

“The symbiotic relationship with Mexico and its seasonal workers that would go back home to be with their families awhile, then come back to work [in the U.S.] was considered an amicable endeavor for all,” Furman said. “But here we are, years later, and the border is one of the worst borders I’ve ever seen.”

“The drug trade across the border is now completely out of control with no restraint in sight, and child sex-trafficking has exploded to a level that’s unimaginable,” he pointed out. At the same time, record levels of people are crossing the Texas-Mexico border. In 2021, there were 1,115,906 illegal migrants who came across, while in 2022, there were 1,399,790.

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