A Nation with Dementia


by A.J. Smuskiewicz, The Unz Review:

It’s fascinating to watch the various corporate mass media “news” outlets, such as CNN and The New York Times, pretend like they’ve suddenly discovered that Joe Biden has dementia, rather than just the “stutter” that they have been claiming for years. These “journalistic” organizations had previously been colluding with the Democrat Party to cover up the truth about the “broken-down pile of crap”—to use Trump’s brutally honest laugh-out-loud description. But when reality was finally exposed live-on-TV for 90 solid minutes for all the world to see, the jig was up, and they were forced to come clean.

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Although the Dems’ media mouthpieces are feigning shock at Biden’s woeful debate performance and obvious cognitive problems, many American people truly are in shock, because they had ignorantly believed all the media lies about Joe’s stuttering “speech impediment.” When they watched him weakly mumble incoherently and appear pathetically confused throughout that CNN debate, millions of Americans were reminded of elderly relatives suffering from dementia. They had no idea that their president was in such a decrepit condition.

Of course, those Americans would have known the truth years before that debate, if they had only had enough intellectual curiosity to look at alternative media sources or even mainstream conservative news outlets, which have been reporting on Biden’s deteriorating cognitive condition since at least 2019. I remember Tucker talking about it when the Dem presidential candidates were beginning their primary campaigns in 2019.

So now, many of the previously dishonest news outlets and even a growing number of Democrat politicians and—most importantly—donors have become so worried about the party’s electoral prospects, that they are actually calling on Biden to step down as the nominee or even to immediately resign. It will be interesting to see what happens the rest of this week. Perhaps the dam will finally break wide open, and the Democrat House and Senate leadership, along with Obama, will tell Joe that he simply has to go. The party is surely not going to let “Doctor” Jill dictate its future!

Joe will go

I suspect that Biden will soon be forced to drop out of the race and resign the presidency, making Harris the incumbent president. Biden will go kicking, dragging, and screaming, but he will have to go at this point. He cannot survive this crisis. Too many party and media bigwigs have made this point too forcefully to go back on it now. They will find a way to make it happen.

This situation reminds me of 1974 (yes, I remember that far back), when a growing number of Republicans called on Nixon to resign, and eventually he did. Nixon went reluctantly but willingly. Biden will not go willingly, but he will go—even if they have to “JFK” him, which would not be difficult, considering his fragile condition. (Whoops, there goes the president tumbling all the way down the steps of Air Force One! Oh, what a tragedy.)

After that nasty business is out of the way, the party will choose a widely-seen-as attractive, or at least generally reassuring, running mate for Harris. And then they—the Dem party and its media allies—will run a massive propaganda campaign to polish up Kamala’s image, miraculously transforming her into a combination of brilliant leader, wise stateswoman, and middle-age glamour girl. And it will probably work! Much of the public will eagerly eat it up, considering that they have repeatedly been told what an existential “threat to democracy” Trump would be if elected to another term. “Anybody but Trump” (though preferably not a dementia patient).

Americans are easy

The American people are easy. They are easy to lie to and easy to convince that stinking bullshit flies as the beautiful bird of truth. It took me years to fight through the ubiquitous, overwhelming government-corporate-media bullshit in order to see some semblance of truth, as I describe in my new book, Searching for Truth in the Empire of Lies: An Evolution of Political and Societal Perspectives During the Decline of America and its EmpireAnd it’s an ongoing process. I still get fooled every now and then. But at least I try to cut through the crap, look at alternative news sources, and develop my own independent opinions.

That’s because I have a fairly well-functioning brain (though admittedly somewhat faulty). Unfortunately, much of the rest of the American public behaves as if its collective brain functions as well as Biden’s. In fact—when it comes to politics, current events, and global affairs—many Americans act as if they are suffering from dementia.

Indications of American dementia

Like the old man with Alzheimer’s who insists he can still drive a car safely—or the demented president who insists that he is “running the world”—Americans are delusional. They think that the United States is still the all-powerful superpower that rules the world. We are the world’s one “essential” nation, as Biden says. We can do anything we want, and do it with pride! Everybody else wants to be like us, except those “terrorists” who are just jealous of us. This is what many Americans ignorantly but sincerely believe as they wave their fucking flags and shoot off their fucking fireworks.

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