Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence – FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology


from The Conservative Treehouse:

The granular issue of this specific whistleblower story pertains to an FBI investigative employee who had his security clearance suspended after officials within the FBI discovered he attended a speech given by President Trump.

However, the bigger issue uncovered during a review of that punishment was written FBI instructions from within the sector of the FBI that investigates and issues security clearances. In essence, the FBI has a documented standard that political ideology determines who will get security clearances approved.

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If a person supports President Trump, holds conservative views, or does anything that would identify themselves as not being in alignment with the leftist worldview, their security clearance application or renewal would be denied.  Put another way, the FBI has written policy examples that discriminate against political views.

This should not come as a surprise.  Factually, when CTH outlined how the Obama administration began to implement the process of filtration and purging of government agencies, we pointed out how the FBI security clearance investigative section was the first sector changed.  Obama and Eric Holder then began the process of denying security clearances.  {GO DEEP – Fourth Branch of Govt}.

Tucker Carlson points out the larger issues of the FBI using almost identical context from our prior research outlineWATCH: 

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