Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Jr Discuss New York Guilty Verdict and Potential Assassination Efforts by FBI


from The Conservative Treehouse:

When people talk about normalizing things that were previously extreme and radical, they sometimes use the metaphor of the Overton Window.  Within this conversation between Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Jr, the Overton Window doesn’t shift, it jumps.  The potential killing of President Trump is mentioned casually against the backdrop of a weaponized justice system.

More frequently than any other political pundit or political voice, Tucker Carlson mentions the likely killing of President Donald John Trump. I’m not sure why he does it, but I have heard the assassination theme from him in more than a dozen public statements.

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Don Trump Jr notes the most recent occurrence of Tucker talking about “them” killing Trump after the NYC guilty verdict.  Don Jr agrees with the possibility, then talks about his new perspective on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The very disconcerting issue that circles the killing of Donald Trump is raised by Tucker Carlson at four separate points within this interview. WATCH:



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