Sunday, October 20, 2024

“They are sick evil people.”


by Ted Noel MD, America Outloud:

These Are Evil People. They Are Sick Evil People.”
– Donald Trump, interview with Dr. Phil

Donald Trump has been convicted by a jury in Manhattan. This follows two bizarre civil damage awards to E Jean Carroll after she defamed Trump in her book and a civil “fraud” disgorgement award by Bad Hair Engoron so large that the numbers took up two lines. One has to wonder why anything like this is happening. The alleged event in the Carroll case was almost thirty years ago. The statute of limitations had run out a long time ago, and Trump probably had more money to give her in a judgment back then than now. The business practices that led to Engoron’s attempt to impoverish Trump had been lawful standard practice for decades. Why now?


I think that part of this should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. Donald Trump is running to get his old job back, and that scares the Hell out of the Left.

I think I understated that. The prospect of Donald Trump sitting behind the Resolute Desk is so terrifying that if they were in the prophet Daniel’s sandals when the man in white appeared over the Tigris (Daniel 10), they wouldn’t have been weak; they’d have fallen into the river and drowned. Or… pick your own favorite horror movie moment. The Left isn’t devoted to power. It’s the only thing they understand, and without raw power, they have less than nothing. They are slaves to the evil that cannot allow freedom to exist… except for them. They must be able to command your behavior in order to feel like they have any reason to be. Remember that Valerie Jarrett said that the Dems would be “ready to RULE” the day Obama took office.

America is not a kingdom. Many of the Founders objected to a Chief Executive because they feared he’d become a king. Others, like Aaron Burr, didn’t see any problem with being fully in control. In 1799, he got Alexander Hamilton to agree to a bill to create the Manhattan Water Company. It would bring clean water into the city supposedly as the “scientific” way to combat Yellow Fever. (The science was wrong. Yellow Fever is transmitted by mosquitoes.) Many legislators, seeing the original bill and Hamilton’s Federalist support, left early to avoid muddy roads as spring rains arrived. As they left, Burr, a master of dirty tricks, sat with two of his confederates and rewrote the bill. All the good stuff was removed, and the Company became a de facto Bank with a huge slush fund for Burr. He would use that to try to steal the 1800 presidential election. With many members already gone, and others anxious to leave, the bill was passed. With it, the Democrat party gained power it owes to politicians who voted on a bill they hadn’t read. (Sounds familiar…) And you thought Democrat dominance in New York was a new development…

It should be very clear at this point that the Democrat party is evil. Its leaders wrote a new law in New York just so one of their own could sue Trump for defamation when she was the one doing the defaming. But it wasn’t about E Jean Carroll. It was about keeping Trump away from the campaign and draining his wallet. A Leftist judge refused to allow Trump to present a defense, so it didn’t matter that the plaintiff couldn’t remember the date of the event or that she claimed to be wearing particular clothes that didn’t exist for years after it.

Business fraud happens when one person presents false claims to another in hopes that the second person will rely on them for business decisions. Democrat Attorney General James and Democrat Judge Engoron threw that definition out of the courthouse window in order to demand a penalty payment too large for anyone other than the government to pay. It did not matter that not one “injured party” admitted to an injury. They all wanted to do business with him again.

Now we have a New York Democrat Court declaring that Trump used “corrupt means” in 2017 to hide unappealing information from voters in 2016. They don’t care that voters don’t have time machines or that the verdict will be reversed on appeal. He’s now “a convicted felon!”

Due to Judge Merchan’s unconstitutional gag order, Trump can’t talk about it on the campaign trail. And that brings us to two key points. First, the fact that these verdicts will all be thrown out is of no importance to Democrats. Their sole purpose is to use them to slander Donald Trump. If they can get Judge Merchan to throw him in jail, so much the better. Donald Trump is a huge threat to them if he’s free to walk up to a microphone in front of a crowd. They think that’s a greater risk than jailing him, making him more of a martyr for freedom than he already is. The verdict remains out on that assessment.

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