The Trump Verdict Indicts an Angry Elite


by Sean Ross Callaghan, American Thinker:

A Manhattan court and a Democrat prosecutor convicted President Donald Trump. Our elite celebrate justice while Trump regrets it — or so goes the story. That confection is the latest episode in a histrionic soap opera the neoliberal elite have been producing since Trump won almost a decade ago: “Trump is childish, vicious, and dangerous. We must stop him as we are mature, benevolent, and benign.”

Now, the fake elite have drawn America into the method and madness of Stalin by throwing a bridle around the essential tool of the liberal state, the courts, making it their private political workhorse. Their latest episode is a moment of truth: either Trump is everything they say he is — or they are. He is treated so exceptionally harshly either because he is exceptionally bad — or his inquisitors are. Those are the options. There are only two.


So just how exceptional is Donald Trump? That’s the question to ask.

Most instead ask about legal details. The work of Trump’s prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, and his judge, Juan Merchan — consistent with their middling legal pedigrees — is shoddy. Trumping up a charge on a clean man like a legal MacGyver takes talent. These guys don’t have it.

Bragg and Merchan’s show trial is hobbled by many grave errors. Chief among them is that Merchan allowed jurors to disagree on exactly what unlawful conduct Trump supposedly intended to commit or cover up. Practically, that meant Trump had to put forth evidence that he had no unlawful intent once Bragg produced just enough evidence to convince some jurors of one intent and others of another.

But a prosecutor must bear to the trial’s end the burden of proving a defendant’s guilt beyond all reasonable doubt. Merchan let Bragg get away with leaving some jurors with reasonable doubt on what other jurors may have thought Trump’s criminal intent was and vice versa so that ultimately all jurors could have reasonable doubt yet still convict. That’s an unconstitutional outrage.

Yet analyzing any more deeply Bragg and Merchan’s dumpster fire is like picking through trash to tag solids from mushes. It’s tedious. And, it just adds to the painting the angry elite try to forge: that Trump and legal trouble follow each other. That shows he’s exceptional, they say.

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