The True Meaning of the Inverted Cross and Why Mass Media Lies About It


from Vigilant Citizen:

The inverted cross has been appearing across popular culture, and the likes of Melinda Gates and Megan Markle even wore it as pendants. Every time people notice this powerful symbol, mass media unleashes its “fact-checkers” to claim that the inverted cross is not Satanic and that it is actually Christian. Here’s why this is a blatant lie.


The Vigilant Citizen‘s slogan is “Symbols rule the world” because symbols cannot lie. They can only represent precisely the idea they are meant to carry. However, words can lie and are currently used to confuse the masses about the true meaning of some powerful symbols, including the inverted cross.

Throughout history, the easiest way of identifying who’s genuinely in power in a society is by observing the symbolism permeating the culture. For instance, when the Catholic Church was in power in old Europe, symbolism—right down to street names—was all related to Catholicism. When Freemasons took power, their subtle yet unmistakable symbolism became visible in all facets of society (see my Sinister Sites series).

Symbols rule the world because those who rule it naturally represent themselves using symbolism. This remains true today. As this site documents, a specific set of symbols permeates society while others are all but shunned. One “accepted” symbol is the inverted cross.

The meaning of this powerful symbol could not be more obvious: It represents the inversion of Christianity. For this reason, it is the main symbol representing Satanism. So what does that say about those currently ruling the world? That they are Satanists, right?

However, those who currently rule the world are marketing, public relations, and disinformation experts. And they’ve launched an all-out campaign of disinformation to make people believe that the Satanic symbol that is popping up everywhere is actually … Christian. The go-to argument: The inverted cross is actually a Catholic symbol called St. Peter’s cross. While this symbol exists in a specific niche of Catholicism, nobody in Hollywood wears it to honor St. Peter. And those who claim this dubious fact are engaging in outright disinformation.


Throughout the years, this site has been documenting the propagation and the normalization of the inverted cross, a powerful symbol imbued with an unmistakable spiritual meaning. Due to its blasphemous nature, the symbol used to be taboo. It can only be seen in occult circles, most notably during Satanic rituals, where the vilest practices known to man took place (more on this later).

However, as seen in countless Vigilant Citizen articles, the symbol lost its taboo status and became mainstream. And that is by design. Those in power want it to become normal and even glamorous. Nowadays, it is everywhere: On movie posters, in music videos, in fashion, and even around the necks of celebrities.

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