Friday, January 24, 2025

The global elite will do whatever it takes to Stop Trump!


by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

The most important thing to global leftism right now is to prevent a second Trump term. Why? Because the President has the power to declassify things, and President Trump can bring all of the things global leftism has done and is doing into the public sphere. What we would learn would disgust not only our political right, but our political left as well, most of whom are still at heart traditional Democrats rather than leftist lunatics.


Not only could Trump expose global leftism’s ties to the CIA and the neocons, but he could also expose how global leftism sells out American interests on the world stage. Trump could also expose all of the coverups that have taken place to protect Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and the other neocons in both political parties.

Current coordination between state and federal prosecutors trying to prevent Trump from becoming President again would be exposed, as would all of the influence foreign bodies such as the WEF have on internal American economic policies.

We like to think that there are two sides to every political debate, but Trump has upended the traditional two-party game, threatening the most corrupt parts of both parties.

Trump threatens the elite. This is why the elite concocted a series of baseless lawsuits against him and are trying so hard to force him out of the election. The simple truth is that the global elite will do whatever it takes to stop Trump, even if it leads to nuclear war.

Every once in a while someone will thank me for my time in the military. I’ve always had mixed emotions about that. On the one hand, it is nice to know that people appreciate the men and women who pledge to give up their lives, if necessary, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, but on the other hand it was my honor to serve and I always felt while I was serving that I was fairly compensated for doing so.

For all the talk about how poorly our military is paid, base pay is just a small amount of what they make. I factored in everything I was paid, in terms of free housing, a food allowance, a clothing allowance, and everything else the military gave me, when I made the decision not to reenlist, and it was about $35,000 in 1998, which equates to almost $70,000 today.

I never felt like my country owed me anything. I felt, rather, like I owed my country, and that the honor of serving it was just a small thing I could do to repay those who came before me for having such an amazing nation of freedom and opportunity to grow up in.

It’s been some time since that country has existed. My advice to those who serve is to stop – the nation as it exists today is not worth defending.

It is, however, worth restoring.

It is important that the United States re-emerge as a nation dedicated to the freedom and liberty of its people. We focus on things like how big our economy is or how many people have access to medical care, but then I remember that once upon a time, the United States led the world in things like medical care and education, whereas today, we no longer do, and I ask myself, “What changed?”

One answer is that the government got deeply involved in both systems. The more the government has gotten involved to make medical care and education ‘more affordable,’ the less affordable both of those things have become.

Perhaps a better answer is that prior to the government getting involved in the delivery of the things people need, we lived in a free society of citizens who all took responsibility for their own lives. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand, a society that leaves you alone to live your life as you see fit necessarily also leaving you responsible for your own outcomes.

At some point politicians began promising freedom without responsibility. Politicians can promise whatever they want to, but freedom without responsibility is a pipe dream and as responsibility has waned, freedom has suffered. Today, too many people want to live their lives without taking any responsibility for their own outcomes, and most of these people blame the overall society when their outcomes are less than they would like them to be.

We have become a society of irresponsible narcissists who see themselves as victims, and who view the success of others as proof that those people have aggrieved the supposed victims.

We like to think that there are two sides to every political debate and that those sides are ‘right’ and ‘left,’ but the truth is that the political right is a loosely aligned group centered around populism, nationalism, and freedom, whereas the political left is a tightly coordinated group driven by elitism, globalism, and victimization.

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