Friday, January 17, 2025

The Democrats have officially Broken America


by Ted Noel MD, America Outloud:

The New York Kangaroo Court is the straw that broke the camel’s back. America is no longer. If there was a spine in our great country, it was the Rule of Law. Judge Merchan’s successful effort to roll the Sisyphean boulder uphill against the law makes the law a nullity. And without the rule of actual law, the forms of law are nothing more than play-acting, allowing the basest and vilest in our country to rule others on whatever basis, or even no basis at all. The French and Russian Reigns of Terror have come to our shores. As John Hinderaker of the PowerLine Blog says, “Democrats understand nothing except the raw exercise of power.”


America exists because of one idea. That is the dream that you are free to put your heart and soul into making a better life and not have it stolen by the government. When there are disputes, as Tulsi Gabbard notes, “We must have this confidence that we will all be treated fairly under the law.” The premise that our race, religion, and politics have no proper place in the courtroom comes from Jewish law. Deuteronomy 1:17 commands Israel, “You shall not be partial in judgment. You shall hear the small and great alike.” This judicial impartiality guarantees that if someone tries to take your life, liberty, or property, you will have a hearing based on firmly established rules of law.

America has been under assault for a long time. The truly diligent person might even get back to our second President, who signed the Alien and Sedition Acts. This criminalized speech, contrary to the First Amendment, which had been adopted just a few years earlier. These Acts were repealed, and John Adams didn’t get a second term. Fortunately, our Supreme Court has just unanimously reinforced First Amendment protections in NRA v. Vullo. But Judge Juan Merchan operated on a different principle. His sole purpose was to exercise power over Donald Trump, a person for which he had extreme personal animosity. His methods are a primer on how to destroy America’s ability to be a great nation by destroying the legal certainty of its people. He is far closer to Lavrentiy Beria (Stalin’s head of the Secret Police) than Supreme Court Justices John Marshall or Louis Brandeis.

From X, the Bragg-Merchan precedent is to “find a speeding ticket from six years ago, claim they were speeding to cover up another crime that does not need to be proven, or even declared, and convert the speeding ticket to a felony prosecution.” To do this, you must destroy every shred of legal process and protection for a defendant. What follows is a brief list of some of the ways Judge Merchan did this.

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