The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted


by James Roguski, Activist Post:

The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat. The battle continues.

Unfortunately, this is an enormous loss for “We the People” and a substantial victory for the evil forces that support the system of pharmakia.

The recently adopted amendments will facilitate an enormous global build up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing “pandemic emergencies” that will be made even worse by “relevant health products.”

Article 1

“relevant health products” means those health products needed to respond to public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies, which may include medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, personal protective equipment, decontamination products, assistive products, antidotes, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies;

Some important points from the amendments:

Article 1

“National IHR Authority” means the entity designated or established by the State Party at the national level to coordinate the implementation of these Regulations within the jurisdiction of the State Party;

“pandemic emergency” means a public health emergency of international concern that is caused by a communicable disease and:

(i) has, or is at high risk of having, wide geographical spread to and within multiple States; and

(ii) is exceeding, or is at high risk of exceeding, the capacity of health systems to respond in those States; and

(iii) is causing, or is at high risk of causing, substantial social and/or economic disruption, including disruption to international traffic and trade; and

(iv) requires rapid, equitable and enhanced coordinated international action, with whole- of-government and whole-of-society approaches.

“relevant health products” means those health products needed to respond to public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies, which may include medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, personal protective equipment, decontamination products, assistive products, antidotes, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies;

Article 4

1 bis. The National IHR Authority shall coordinate the implementation of these Regulations within the jurisdiction of the State Party.

Article 12

4 bis. If the Director-General determines that an event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the Director-General shall further determine, having considered the matters contained in paragraph 4, whether the public health emergency of international concern also constitutes a pandemic emergency.

Article 13

(c) support States Parties, upon their request, in scaling up and geographically diversifying the production of relevant health products,

(e) support States Parties, upon their request, and, as appropriate, through relevant WHO-coordinated and other networks and mechanisms, pursuant to subparagraph 8(c) of this Article, to promote research and development and strengthen local production of quality, safe and effective relevant health products,

Article 24

1. States Parties shall take all practicable measures consistent with these Regulations to ensure that conveyance operators:

(a) comply with the health measures recommended by WHO and adopted by the State Party, including for application on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation;

(b) inform travellers of the health measures recommended by WHO and adopted by the State Party, including for application on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation; and

Article 27

The competent authority may implement additional health measures, including isolation and quarantine of the conveyances, as necessary, to prevent the spread of disease. Such additional measures should be reported to the National IHR Focal Point.

Article 31 (existing)

The State Party may… compel the traveller to undergo…:

(a) the least invasive and intrusive medical examination that would achieve the public health objective;

  1. (b)  vaccination or other prophylaxis; or
  2. (c)  additional established health measures that prevent or control the spread of disease,

including isolation, quarantine or placing the traveller under public health observation.

Article 35

2. Health documents under these Regulations may be issued in non-digital format or digital format, subject to the obligations of any State Party regarding the format of such documents deriving from other international agreements.

3. Regardless of the format in which health documents under these Regulations have been issued, said health documents shall conform to the Annexes, referred to in Articles 36 to 39, as applicable, and their authenticity shall be ascertainable.

4. WHO, in consultation with States Parties, shall develop and update, as necessary, technical guidance, including specifications or standards related to the issuance and ascertainment of authenticity of health documents, both in digital format and non-digital format. Such specifications or standards shall be in accordance with Article 45 regarding treatment of personal data.

Article 44

2 bis. States Parties, subject to applicable law and available resources, shall maintain or increase domestic funding, as necessary, and collaborate, including through international cooperation and assistance, as appropriate, to strengthen sustainable financing to support the implementation of these Regulations.

2 ter. Pursuant to subparagraph (c) of paragraph 1, States Parties shall undertake to collaborate, to the extent possible, to:

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