from State Of The Nation:

…which further incriminates the U.S. Government
as a primary co-conspirator in the Gaza Genocide
after providing so much military and financial aid
that has enabled the vicious Zionist State of Israel
to savagely slaughter over 35,000 innocent women
and children, elderly and infirm.


What else can be said about the utterly corrupt and contemptible U.S. Congress at this point?!

We have a dangerously rogue ZOG running the rudderless United States of America.

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government

There is a lot of purpose behind this invitation to the genocidal maniac — Bibi “The Butcher” Netanyahu — to speak in OUR HOUSE—the people’s house.

First, such a sly and treacherous political gambit by the Jewish Zionists in Tel Aviv makes the whole U.S. Congress a central accomplice to the ongoing Gaza Genocide.

Which has the effect of making the key decision-makers in Congress vulnerable to being indicted for genocide and other crimes against humanity in Gaza, which they are clearly guilty of.

This is how the Netanyahu regime has underwritten an insurance policy against their own coming criminal prosecution by the international courts, which are determined to nail them for the never-ending Palestinian Holocaust.

That we have so many genocidal Christian and Jewish Zionists in Congress who are totally okay and even zealously supportive of the horrific Gaza Genocide represents the very height of American exceptionalism gone completely awry and hellbound.

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