Thursday, July 4, 2024

    Russian warships off Florida coast – could it all escalate quickly?


    by Booker Scott, America Outloud:

    Open-source maritime and aerial tracking data has been revealed. U.S. naval and air assets appear to be shadowing Russian warships that passed Florida’s eastern coast on their way to make port in Cuba. Open-source intelligence analysts on Tuesday posted updates showing the CG Stone coastguard vessel, the USS Truxtun and USS Donald Cook destroyers, and a Royal Canadian Navy frigate travelling south down the Florida coast, following the Russian ships headed to Cuba. Above them, at least one U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon and Canadian CP-140 Aurora appeared to be conducting surveillance.

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    As of Tuesday morning, the CG Stone could be seen only 25 miles east of Miami. A report on Russian state media Tuesday cited the commander of the Russian naval fleet as saying the Russian ships will enter the Cuban port on Wednesday.

    The visit has been interpreted as part of Moscow’s response to deeper NATO commitments to Ukraine — particularly the White House’s approval for Ukrainian forces to use American weapons within Russian borders — though the Pentagon has said the visit poses no immediate threat.

    No immediate threat? Really?

    Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Charlie Dietz said this last week, “Russia is likely to send combat naval vessels to the Caribbean, with potential port calls in Cuba and possibly Venezuela; Aircraft deployments or flights in the region are also anticipated. These deployments are part of Russia’s routine naval operations and pose no direct threat to the United States.”

    In fairness and full transparency, before Russia, Russia Russia, and the Ukraine War, Russia did these Cuban port missions a few times. It was normal. Is it normal now?

    President Vladimir Putin hinted at broad consequences for NATO nations that give Ukraine the green light to use Western weapons within Russian borders.

    This is what Putin said this past weekend. “In the end, if we see that these countries become involved in a war against us, what they are doing makes them directly involved in a war against the Russian Federation, we reserve the right to act the same way,”

    So maybe it’s been normal in the past for Russia to do this, but was it normal for the US president to ok the use of American munitions to be used inside Russia in the past? Has that happened before? Ever??

    Speaking of NATO, Belgium, Denmark, and the Netherlands just gave Ukraine 60 more American F-16s to go along with the ones Biden and Blinken announced in May of 2023 that they would be sending to Ukraine. Last year, when America announced it would send F-16s to Ukraine, it was a huge story. We forgot about that, didn’t we?

    I don’t think Putin or China have, do you? Here’s some new news on the F-16s from America to Ukraine. First of all, there have been no F-16s flown by Ukrainian pilots yet. They are still training. Typical training for a new F-16 pilot is 9 months, and that’s followed by combat readiness training. I’m not sure how long that training is, but it’s safe to say Ukrainians will soon be flying American F-16s against Russia.

    Here’s some more information about these F-16s from America and the other nations. It now appears these jets will be flown from NATO countries in an effort to keep them safe from Russian attacks inside Ukraine. How do you think Putin and the Russians will consider American jets flown from NATO countries? Will they attack the source of these sorties? Then what? How do Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Kamala Harris respond to Russia attacking a NATO country? Is there even a choice?

    By Wednesday, the Russian ships and submarines had made their way to port in Cuba. However, the US Navy is currently on high alert, and American Navy submarines and warships are also 60 to 70 miles off the Russian coast. Is this another game of cat and mouse, or could it all escalate quickly?

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