‘Retaliatory Measures Will Certainly Follow’: Russian-Owned State News Threatens ‘Americans Have Never Suffered A Full-Scale War On Their Soil. The Bombs Never Fell On Their Heads’


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Many Americans are waiting to watch the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, while others are on pins and needles waiting for some of the most controversial Supreme Court decisions to be released by the end of June.

Still others, not news or political junkies, are likely just trying to survive in an economy that makes it difficult to even feed their families do the 20+% rise in the cost of food products over the last few years. Those are the people that are happy to take a half an hour to watch their local news to see what is happening in their community.

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What their local news likely isn’t telling those latter set of Americans, and the national news is spinning like mad, is that U.S. missiles were used by Ukraine, to strike a beach in Sevastopol on Holy Trinity Sunday – one of the most important holidays celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Because Russia plans “retaliatory measures,” it is important to see how they are perceiving these attacks, using American weaponry, so we’re going to cite The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russia Federation.

We are not citing them to push “Russian propaganda,” but rather to see the mindset of the Russians without the filter of the MSM telling us what we should be “seeing,” or “thinking” about the attack that killed four on a municipal beach, one of which was a two-year-old boy, anther a nine-year-old girl.

Via the Foreign Ministry website on June 24, 2024:

Four persons were killed, including a two-year-old boy, who was playing on the municipal beach, and a nine-year-old girl. One hundred and fifty-one people applied for medical assistance; 82 persons – 55 adults and 27 children – were hospitalised, many of them in a grave condition. All patients are receiving skilled medical aid.

Note: Updated news now has the death toll at five from the beach.

According to the Defense Ministry of Russia, Ukraine used “US ATACMS operational missiles with cluster warheads” for greater kill ability.

“All flight data were entered by US military crews based on US reconnaissance satellite inputs.  A Global Hawk US reconnaissance drone was on duty off Crimea,” the website states.

The fifth paragraph is where we see the direct threat of retaliation where it says “There is no doubt that the United States is involved in this ominous crime.  Washington and its satellites have created and nurtured the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. They are cherishing and supporting their Ukrainian puppets, using them to wage a war against Russia, and encouraging them to commit acts of international terrorism and kill Russian civilians, including with the use of cluster munitions, one of the most terrible types of inhumane weapons. A response to this crime will inevitably follow.”

While the U.S. will not officially acknowledge we are already at war with Russia, the leadership in Russia knows it.

In another press release from the same day, regarding how the US Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, after the Ukrainian/US attack on the beach, they state “Retaliatory measures are certain to follow..”

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