Prophets Predict The End of Zionism Because…..


from State Of The Nation:

…The Apartheid State Of Israel Is Now Unsustainable.
…The Apartheid State Of Israel Is Now Unsustainable.

And the real irony about the final collapse of Zionism is that it took Israel’s Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu to bring it about.

Clearly, the patently apartheid state of Israel was never sustainable, especially in this Information Age which has put a smartphone in every person’s hands. When any victim (both individual and community) of Israel’s intolerable cruelty and the IDF’s rampant barbarism can photographed and/or filmed in real time, and then disseminated on the front page of the Internet for all to see and hear…..

Not only is the ongoing Gaza genocide proving to be an insurmountable challenge for Israel, so is Hezbollah to the north, particularly when well over 60,000 Israelis have had to evacuate their communities for many months now. Those Jewish and Christian Zionists really hate living with their in-laws in the south.

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