Post Verdict Polling Shows No Movement – Trump Still Leads Biden and Media Are Not Happy


from The Conservative Treehouse:

The linguistic contortions the New York Times needs to give an acceptable narrative to their audience is funny. The NYT/Sienna did a poll of Trump and Biden supporters to see if the New York guilty verdict against Trump made a difference. It did not.

The Times just resurveyed the same people they previously surveyed, and the result was essentially nothing, given the original margin of error which transfers to both efforts.


Trump was leading by two points before, now Trump is leading Biden by one point – nothing changed.  However, the amount of text used by the propaganda pushers in their effort to frame the predetermined narrative is a little funny.

NYT – […] In fact, the voters we spoke to who continue to support Mr. Trump appear to be more enthusiastic than ever. Many of his previously disengaged supporters seemed newly energized by the verdict, with 18 percent of his supporters who previously said they were unlikely to vote now “almost certain” to do so, compared with just 3 percent of Mr. Biden’s supporters who moved into that category. But the slight movement overall toward Mr. Biden is broadly in line with other recent surveys. (read more)

Overall, the results show that President Trump’s support is just not going to leave him, which makes sense when you really think about Trump’s support system.

One of the mistakes that many people make is failing to understand that more Americans can see the UniParty than ever before.  Once you realize there is only one party, then you realize there’s nothing to lose by supporting Donald J. Trump.  This is the baseline we spent a great deal of time explaining and discussing in 2015.

Against the outcome of the New York trial, this discussion has been taking place on Twitter.  I’m not flinching one bit, for almost all of the same reasons we held in 2015 and 2016.  President Trump has done far more than we ever expected him to accomplish.

I think many people might relate to this response on Twitter:

USER: Babe Elder – […] I didn’t watch his TV show. I didn’t read his books. I never paid attention to what some rich New Yorker did or said. Until he came down the escalator and I listened to what he said.

I understood immediately that he was not a polished speaker. He wasn’t a trained politician. And I knew what he meant.

Then, I saw how the media and random career politicians reacted. Labeling him racist over Mexico not sending their best.

He gave a rally in Arizona and McCain insulted the people who came to it as crazies. And Trump, the unpolished speaker, went right after McCain.

McCain went after The People. Trump went after McCain on behalf of The People. And me? I became a fan.

So now, here we are. I’ve watched as the idiots in the media, the uniparty, the alphabet institutions, and now, the Lawfare brigade have tried to break this one man.
For that barrage of BS, I will crawl through glass, bees, slime, and shit to vote for Trump.

He doesn’t have to pay me. He has earned my loyalty and respect. Not because of his glowing smooth perfection, but because, despite his gaffs, imperfections, and mistakes, he keeps going. For We The People.

There is no carefully crafted, vetted, and slick talking politician who will suffer, as Trump has, to protect me and mine. Trump has and will. As long as he stands. I will stand with him.

The more they hate him.
The firmer I plant my feet. (LINK)

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