by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Back in 2020 I blogged about fake gold bars being used as – surprise surprise! – collateral in a massive loan scheme in – surprise surprise!! – Communist China and more specifically by a company based in – surprise surprise!!! – Wuhan, at precisely the time the world was reeling from the covid planscamdemic. It sort of makes one wonder: fake gold bars, fake pandemics, and fake injections… hmmmm….

But anyway, here’s that story, in case you’ve forgotten what fun things you can do with tungsten bars wrapped in gold foil:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

And yes, you can keep me on that list of gold standard skeptics because of such practices, and because of the lack of reasonable clarity on the amount of the bullion that is actually out there. And besides, who really cares, when you can use fake bars as collateral for massive loans and to create all sorts of liquidity (and not to mention all the financial vistas that open up with good old-fashioned re-hypothecation!). It’s the sort of corruption and fraud one comes to expect in one-party systems like Communist China or or California or the contemporary United States (which at least had the good sense to organize its uniparty into two, with one playing the role of controlled opposition).

I mention all of this because now there is another very disturbing story out there that adds to the once-a-week trend of another-thing-gone-wrong-at-Boeing; this story was shared by our reader L.G.L.R.:

Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets

So here, in a nutshell, is the latest Chinese version of gold-wrapped tungsten, which, as is now evident, has become a new variation on a theme: counterfeit titanium:

Boeing is no longer the pride of American aviation. The plane manufacturer is riddled with so many problems it’s impossible to keep track. Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation (yet another…) into a 737 Max 8 jet that encountered a dangerous mid-flight ‘Dutch roll’ several weeks ago. Now, a report from the New York Times reveals that some Boeing jets are built with ‘counterfeit titanium.’

Some recently manufactured Boeing and Airbus jets have components made from titanium that was sold using fake documentation verifying the material’s authenticity, according to a supplier for the plane makers, raising concerns about the structural integrity of those airliners.

The falsified documents are being investigated by Spirit AeroSystems, which supplies fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration. The investigation comes after a parts supplier found small holes in the material from corrosion. -NYT

The report continued:

The planes that included components made with the material were built between 2019 and 2023, among them some Boeing 737 Max and 787 Dreamliner airliners as well as Airbus A220 jets, according to three people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. It is not clear how many of those planes are in service or which airlines own them.

Fuselage maker Spirit is investigating the source of the titanium and whether the metal meets aviation standards. The big question is if the metal used in critical parts of the airframe is structurally sound enough to last the projected life spans of the jets. If the metal is tested and found to be below aviation specs, the parts must be removed and replaced.

“This is about documents that have been falsified, forged and counterfeited,” Joe Buccino, a Spirit spokesman, told NYT, adding, “Once we realized the counterfeit titanium made its way into the supply chain, we immediately contained all suspected parts to determine the scope of the issues.”

According to Spirit officials, counterfeit titanium was used in passenger entry doors, cargo doors, and a component that connects the engines to the plane’s airframe for 787 Dreamliners. The affected parts of the 737 Max and the Airbus A220 include a heat shield on the engine. (The original italicization and boldface was removed in order to add the italicized emphasis to the last paragraph)

Really!? Fake titanium used in fuselages, wings, cargo doors and the pylons connecting engines to the wing!?!? If you don’t think that’s serious, then do a quick refresher course on American Airlines flight 191 some time, and that disaster happened before western airplane manufacturers were buying fake titanium from the Chinese! And while we’re at it: just exactly was is counterfeit titanium anyway? And why wasn’t the purity of the stuff checked before being used in various parts, some of which – I’m sure has not escaped the reader’s notice – sounds suspiciously like the parts of Boeing aircraft that have been falling off airplanes lately!

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