Obese Woman Named Miss Alabama


from Moonbattery:

It was only a matter of time before the liberal fad of glorifying obesity reduced beauty contests to tasteless farce:

Plus-sized model, Sara Milliken, 23, is making headlines after being crowned Miss Alabama over the Memorial Day weekend.

The media is playing its predictable part by screeching self-righteously that Milliken is a victim of “cyberbullying” by nasty bigots who don’t believe in the woke principle of giving the prize to someone who conspicuously does not deserve it in the name of identity politics.

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She was overjoyed when she bagged the top prize in the National American Miss pageant – however, her happiness was short-lived as vile trolls quickly began taunting the winner about her appearance.

When we inevitably get a 300-lb Miss America, the pageant will reap the same harvest as Sports Illustrated, the dying magazine that became best known for plastering transsexuals and fat women across the front of its swimsuit issue.

Obesity contributes significantly to a long list of major health problems. The establishment encourages it because the morbidly obese have been enlisted in the Cultural Marxist coalition. People who let their weight get out of control are now entitled to precious victim status. In addition to their many other crimes against political correctness, members of the core population of normal people are now guilty of thin privilege.

At another level, the establishment’s promotion of obesity as beauty reveals the true essence of liberal ideology, which can be summed up in a single word: depravity.

Here’s hoping Miss Alabama addresses her weight problem before it takes years off her life.

Meanwhile, in Maryland:

Bailey Anne is not only the first man to be named Miss Maryland but also the first Asian! He’s not obese though.

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