Moonbat Tantrums as European Voters Push Back


from Moonbattery:

The haughty degenerates comprising the left-wing ruling class have been systematically destroying Western Civilization. None too soon, Europeans are waking up and pushing back. Moonbats are not taking the resistance well:

Far-left extremists rioted in Paris and other French cities, lobbing projectiles at police, as they threw hissy fits over the “far-right” winning EU elections while claiming they were protesting to preserve “democracy.”

If that sounds familiar, you may be thinking of the way Democrats shriek about threats to “Our Democracy” whenever they perceive a challenge to single-party rule.


The protests are being promoted by 5 top French unions which are urging young people to “demonstrate as widely as possible” over the coming week.

That is, demonstrate against the elections — in the name of democracy.

“Our Republic and our democracy are in danger,” the unions warned. “We need a democratic and social revival. Otherwise, the extreme right will come to power.”

“Extreme” is Establishmentese for “not left-wing,” making “extreme right” a pleonasm.

Those who don’t vote for the establishment are not only threats to democracy but also racists who commit hate:

Demonstrators also carried placards that read, “Make racists afraid again” and “No to the Hate era,” while marchers in Toulouse asserted, “No fascists in the neighborhoods, no fascists in the Assembly!”

Violent mobs want to make those who vote against the current regime afraid — while calling them fascists. The hypocrisy of moonbats is a marvel to behold.

The owners of this business were accused of voting “far right”:

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