Mom Thrown Off Flight for “Misgendering”


from Moonbattery:

It isn’t enough never to criticize the sexually insane. You must explicitly deny objective reality at their behest. Those who even accidentally fail to comply will be punished, like the Texas mom who was ejected from a United Airlines flight for not referring to a transgender employee in accordance with his preferences.

Jenna Longoria committed a thought crime yesterday by saying “Thank you sir” to a gate agent who has decided everyone must regard him as a woman.


Via National Review:

While Longoria was allowed to board with her [16-month-old] child, her 73-year-old mother was held back, she said. Struggling to break down her baby stroller and arrange the car seat to get her crying son situated, Longoria asked a different flight attendant for help, noting that the staff member at the front refused to let her mother pre-board with her.

Then she compounded her earlier offense by referring to the transsexual as “the man at the front.”

After Longoria again asked the flight attendant for help, he told her to get off the plane, informing her that she was being barred from the flight due to her alleged bigotry, she said.

She was told she may be permanently blacklisted from all United Airlines. What do you expect from a company devoted to DEI whose CEO Scott Kirby is a transvestite?

After being escorted off the flight, Longoria implored staff to let her family get their luggage off the plane because they needed medication that was stowed away, but United refused, she said. After waiting in the airport for three hours, Longoria booked new flights with American Airlines for $1,000. […]

United declined to answer whether it would compensate Longoria for the $1,000 she spent on American Airlines tickets…

Remember this if you are ever tempted to book a flight on United Airlines.

At some point, we will get sick of having to grovel before deranged degenerate bullies. The worm will turn.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Anonymous, and Varla.

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