Meet The Anti-White Cop Hater, Man In A Dress, Just Promoted At The White House – Pictorial Essay And Direct Quotes By The Latest Slap In The Face To All Americans By The Biden Regime


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

With so much going on, nationally and internationally, other things slip through the cracks, but some of the less reported news sometimes shows more than just what is on the surface.

For example, the Biden regime just promoted someone to the position of Interior Department spokesperson at the White House, and while that doesn’t sound like earth shattering news on its face, the choice, like so many of the regime’s employees, is a direct slap in the face of the American public.

Before detailing the many ways this promotion, like others, is just a big FU to all but about 1% of U.S. citizen, let us introduce the “man,” and I do use that term very loosely, that was just promoted, but has worked at the White House for three years.


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet former Interior Department spokesperson Tyler Cherry, and newly promoted associate communications director at the White House.


So he is a little “different,” right? Not The Bee has some additional images of Mr. Cherry, compliments of Libs of Tik Tok.


Kind of reminds us of some of the Biden regime’s other hires, such as the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, who happened to check off a few “diversity” boxes by being black, a women and gay… a trifecta!

Then of course, we have the two below, both men that dress as women with one pretending to be a woman, aka Richard Levine who calls himself “Rachel,” the “first openly transgender person confirmed by Senate to federal post, according to NBC News, and Sam Brinton, a former White House employee who not only dresses as a woman, but was fired after being caught stealing women’s luggage at airports.

Ok, I am being mean by making fun of how Mr. Cherry, Levine and Brinton, dresses, at least that is what the LGBT community would accuse me of, so let us see why else why this hire alone, never mind promotion, of this man, is a huge FU to any red blooded American patriot.

The following is from Fox News:

• Tyler Cherry sparked controversy last year after social media posts surfaced in which he blasted law enforcement and promoted “Russiagate.”

• “Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases,” Cherry posted in 2015 amid riots that were sparked following the death of Freddie Gray, a Black man, in police custody in Baltimore.

• “Apt (sic.) time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs,” he stated in a separate post months later.

• “The Tea Party was never about the debt/deficit but about racism and white grievance politics,” he wrote on X.

As we will show below, Cherry also like to virtue signal by hating on White people.This means that he hates himself as well, since he is white.

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