Medvedev: Freeing Ukraine From West Possible After Successful Special Military Operation


from Sputnik News:

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – It will be possible to free Ukraine from the Western neocolonialism after successfully achieving all goals of the special military operation, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has said.
It is obvious that freeing Ukraine from neocolonial chains will only be possible after all the tasks of the special military operation have been accomplished,” Medvedev wrote in his article for the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, which was published on Friday.


Medvedev also state that Global South countries did not want to follow the so-called peace formula of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as they desire to maintain ties with Moscow

“The result [for the West] is a deep shock at the ‘unexpected’ unwillingness of the Global South to follow the ‘Zelensky formula’, to sever longstanding ties with Russia, to join the sanctions spree promoted by the White House and its satellites, to turn a blind eye to the next aggravation of the situation in the Middle East,” Medvedev wrote.

According to Medvedev, the West uses tools of “debt neocolonialism” to maintain influence in the Global South.
Despite its promises of “mountains of gold” and membership in the EU to Armenia in return for loyalty, the West is not planning to invite it to the “club of chose ones,” clarified Medvedev.
“We are witnessing how emissaries of the US, the EU and NATO are becoming more and more frequent guests in Armenia, and they are handing out generous promises left and right. Of course, this republic is offered mountains of gold, including membership in the European Union, in exchange for full loyalty,” Medvedev wrote.
The former president of Russia added that no one will invite Armenia “to the club of chose ones” despite promises.

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