Massive Study in Top Medical Journal Raises Question Whether Covid-19 Vaccines Increased Instead of Decreased Deaths


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

The study, published on June 3rd, in one of the world’s leading medical journals, the British Medical Journal, is titled “Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022”. Its end — its closing third —  is useful for the general public who want to know why there is increasing concern in the research-medical community regarding whether vaccines against covid-19 increased instead of decreased death-rates. The report recognizes that the purpose of a vaccine isn’t merely to reduce death-rates from a particular disease (in this case covid-19) but to reduce all-cause death-rates (“excess mortality”), which includes deaths from the given disease but is not limited to that. This study focused on the effect that the covid-19 vaccines had on all-cause death-rates, not on their effect on merely covid-19 death-rates.


Here is the study’s closing third:

A recent analysis of seroprevalence studies in this prevaccination era [prior to covid-19] illustrates that the Infection Fatality Rate estimates in non-elderly populations were even lower than prior calculations suggested.37 At a global level, the prevaccination Infection Fatality Rate [the death-rates prior to 2020] was 0.03% for people aged <60 years and 0.07% for people aged <70 years.38 For children aged 0–19 years, the Infection Fatality Rate was set at 0.0003%.38 This implies that children are rarely harmed by the COVID-19 virus.19 38 During 2021, when not only containment measures but also COVID-19 vaccines were used to tackle virus spread and infection, the highest number of excess deaths [in the “47 countries of the Western World”] was recorded: 1,256,942 excess deaths (P-score 13.8%).26 37 Scientific consensus regarding the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in reducing viral transmission is currently lacking.75 76 During 2022, when most mitigation measures were negated and COVID-19 vaccines were sustained, preliminary available data count 808 392 excess deaths (P-score 8.8%).39 The percentage difference between the documented and projected number of deaths was highest in 28% of countries during 2020, in 46% of countries during 2021, and in 26% of countries during 2022.

This insight into the overall all-cause excess mortality since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic is an important first step for future health crisis policy decision-making.1–4 The next step concerns distinguishing between the various potential contributors to excess mortality, including COVID-19 infection, indirect effects of containment measures and COVID-19 vaccination programmes. Differentiating between the various causes is challenging.16 National mortality registries not only vary in quality and thoroughness but may also not accurately document the cause of death.1 19 The usage of different models to investigate cause-specific excess mortality within certain countries or subregions during variable phases of the pandemic complicates elaborate cross-country comparative analysis.1 2 16 Not all countries provide mortality reports categorised per age group.2 12 Also testing policies for COVID-19 infection differ between countries.1 2 Interpretation of a positive COVID-19 test can be intricate.77 Consensus is lacking in the medical community regarding when a deceased infected with COVID-19 should be registered as a COVID-19 death.1 77 Indirect effects of containment measures have likely altered the scale and nature of disease burden for numerous causes of death since the pandemic. However, deaths caused by restricted healthcare utilisation and socioeconomic turmoil are difficult to prove.1 78–81 A study assessing excess mortality in the USA observed a substantial increase in excess mortality attributed to non-COVID causes during the first 2 years of the pandemic. The highest number of excess deaths was caused by heart disease, 6% above baseline during both years. Diabetes mortality was 17% over baseline during the first year and 13% above it during the second year. Alzheimer’s disease mortality was 19% higher in year 1 and 15% higher in year 2. In terms of percentage, large increases were recorded for alcohol-related fatalities (28% over baseline during the first year and 33% during the second year) and drug-related fatalities (33% above baseline in year 1 and 54% in year 2).82 Previous research confirmed profound under-reporting of adverse events, including deaths, after immunisation.83 84 Consensus is also lacking in the medical community regarding concerns that mRNA vaccines might cause more harm than initially forecasted.85 French studies suggest that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are gene therapy products requiring long-term stringent adverse events monitoring.85 86 Although the desired immunisation through vaccination occurs in immune cells, some studies report a broad biodistribution and persistence of mRNA in many organs for weeks.85 87–90 Batch-dependent heterogeneity in the toxicity of mRNA vaccines was found in Denmark.48 Simultaneous onset of excess mortality and COVID-19 vaccination in Germany provides a safety signal warranting further investigation.91 Despite these concerns, clinical trial data required to further investigate these associations are not shared with the public.92 Autopsies to confirm actual death causes are seldom done.58 60 90 93–95 Governments may be unable to release their death data with detailed stratification by cause, although this information could help indicate whether COVID-19 infection, indirect effects of containment measures, COVID-19 vaccines or other overlooked factors play an underpinning role.1 8–14 20–25 39–60 68 90 This absence of detailed cause-of-death data for certain Western nations derives from the time-consuming procedure involved, which entails assembling death certificates, coding diagnoses and adjudicating the underlying origin of death. Consequently, some nations with restricted resources assigned to this procedure may encounter delays in rendering prompt and punctual cause-of-death data. This situation existed even prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.1 5

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