Leftists Are Helping The Next Hitler Instead Of Stopping Him: We Must Never Let Them Take Away The Last Line Of Defense Of Americans Against An Overbearing And Tyrannical Government


by D. Parker, All News Pipeline:

We have a serious question for leftists out there: what if they’re wrong in their circular-logic assertion that President Trump is the next Hitler? We’ve all heard the constant refrain from the left, ad nauseam, for years — despite the inconvenient fact that he spent four years in power and didn’t become what they always warned about.

The nation’s socialist media have lectured us down through the decades that we’re never, ever supposed to play the “Nazi card” and make the obvious comparisons between one group of authoritarian leftists and another. But the evidence-free cacophony is that President Trump is supposedly the next Hitler, based on whatever the man is doing at the moment. If he was seen drinking a glass of water, that would be all the proof needed by the left that he’s an authoritarian and a wannabe dictator, because you know who else drank water? Hitler. Leftists see this as self-justification to do anything to stop the man, because, after all, he’s the next Hitler. See how that works?
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It would be one thing if they were making a factual argument to bolster their hysterical rantings, but they simply echo the accusation without ever backing it up. And aside from a few jokes or comments they didn’t understand, we can easily list out all the evidence they’ve presented that puts him in line with authoritarian dictators of the past.:

That is a lot of evidence, to be sure, and each one of those non-existent points probably has a Wikipedia page or two that is just about as informative. But this points to a larger problem for leftists, because if all they have are fact-free allegations, they could be taking part in one of the biggest mistakes in history. Even worse for them, this is all against the backdrop of an academic legacy that has asserted that authoritarianism is only a vestige of the right.

If you dig deeper into this leftist can of worms (pro tip: bring plenty of analgesic pain-relieving medications along), you’ll discover that they cannot fathom that left-wing authoritarianism (LWA) even exists. Yes, they’ve published academic papers entitled “The Myth of Left-Wing Authoritarianism” and “Finding the Loch Ness Monster: Left-Wing Authoritarianism in the United States” as two examples of many, and that’s just the tip of the psychobabble iceberg.

These geniuses never thought to read a newspaper or a history book, or even watch the evening news. Then perhaps they would have heard of leftist authoritarians of the USSR, Red China, and the worst mass murderers of the last century like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

Since we’re on the subject, let’s take a look at those regimes and authoritarians in determining the warning signs and indications of an authoritarian to see where those apply, starting with what is always the canary in a coal mine for fundamental freedoms: the right of self-defense.

Leftists never seem to mention the oppression of this right when it comes to President Trump. But the destruction of this fundamental freedom is a downright obsession for them, giving Biden a leg up in the potential to be Hitler.

The left took a big Left turn on guns in following in the footsteps of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Maduro, Pol Pot, and of course Hitler, but let’s see how they do on the rest of the Bill of Rights. Dictators can never deal with free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. And wouldn’t you know that the left rolled snake eyes on President Trump in going after these rights, but Biden has colluded with Big Tech to censor conservatives, arrested journalists, and sent in the FBI against Catholics?

To be fair, there were inadvertent remarks from President Trump around certain subjects, such as unconstitutional “red flag” laws, but that doesn’t compare to Biden going pedal to the metal with these unconstitutional abominations that violate a slew of amendments.

We could also compare how both have gone after their political opponents, but it should be obvious that Biden is in the guise of authoritarians of the past, and President Trump is the victim of this overwhelming partisan onslaught.

Even this short analysis shows that Biden is the potential Hitler, so if leftists are so concerned about this prospect, why are they still supporting him? It should be patent by now that they don’t really care about these prospects, and they don’t really care about the “threat to democracy,” because we’ve proven that that is nothing but another massive lie on their part. They care about only their power, and any lies they use to attain that power are simply a part of the process.

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