Judge Merchan Provides Information Indicating Juror in Trump Case May Have Predetermined Guilty Verdict


from The Conservative Treehouse:

There’s just something very sketchy about this public release of information from Judge Merchan in New York City.  Merchan doesn’t have an integrity bone and the comment he is bringing attention toward is innocuous and random.  However, Merchan could be trying to get Trump to violate the gag order aspect and talk about jurors; thereby making the sentencing worse.

According to information Merchan is providing the lawyers in the Trump case, a comment was made on the court’s FaceBook page indicating one of the jurors said the Trump guilty verdict was predetermined. [SOURCE] “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!” 

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Why would Judge Merchan want to draw public attention to this?

Either something bigger is being diluted by this story, or perhaps Merchan is using it as a provocation to get Trump to talk about the jury and violate his gag order ahead of sentencing.

Or, perhaps Merchan is looking to create a mistrial to exit the case, or do it over again and extend the gag order.   Also, why not include the entire quote from the Facebook Page:

Not sure what’s going on, but something.  Something….

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