Saturday, January 25, 2025

Hunter Biden trial is a vital component of the Democrats’ lawfare against Trump


by Chris Cordani, America Outloud:

After the Donald Trump conviction, Hunter Biden’s trial seeps into the news cycle. While the Huntster is on trial to answer mere gun charges, many believe (and rightfully so) this is a distraction from the Bidens’ Family Influence-Peddling Business; this particular show trial is more intertwined with the Left’s lawfare against Biden’s top political rival. On the surface, observers may ask, “Will Hunter Biden get off or will he go to jail?” the REAL question must be asked and not ignored: “How are the Democrats going to use this Hunter case to their advantage?”


The last time charges against President Biden’s prodigal son were to be answered, Hunter’s team worked out a deal to give the younger Biden a newspaper hit to the nose and a “Bad boy! Don’t do that again” via a plea bargain, which was squashed by a wise judge. Team Biden and the Deep State seem to be using their resources more wisely this time around.

The first proverbial “red flag,” as the kids say today, was a Newsweek report indicating a former Secret Service agent wormed her way onto the jury. Some conservative outlets noted a “knowing glance” between that juror and Ashley Biden during selection proceedings. Interestingly, there were no objections to her participation. Newsweek also noted her husband worked for the Secret Service. In addition, a few jurors have a history of substance abuse in their families.

Is the fix in? Yes – but it may not be exactly what you think. It looks quite like this will be another show trial, but with Hunter being acquitted or given an “appearance sentence.”

Let’s also juxtapose this with the absolute failure of the Democrats’ Stalin Show trials against Donald Trump, which may have handed him the presidency. The Dems really need to do something to entice low-information voters, but not just the ones within their base. They need people who vote, consider themselves “independent,” but don’t really pay attention. With all of that in mind, here’s what could happen:

People continue to support Trump after the conviction. The Dems continue to panic.

Hunter Biden, expecting to get sprung or another slap on the wrist plea deal, is asked by Deep Staters to “take one for the team” – at least on the surface.

With that, Hunter Biden gets CONVICTED – and sentenced to jail. While belief in this actually happening is difficult, it is also convenient for the Joe Biden camp: subsequently, Donald Trump gets sentenced to “house arrest” for 6 months. On the surface, the idea is to get people to believe Trump was awarded an easy penalty that feigns leniency because it really fulfills the Dems’ desperate need to keep Trump from campaigning in public until November while not sending him to actual prison, which would continue to motivate more potential anti-Biden voters.

In turn, Hunter Biden gets sentenced to 30-60 days in prison – taking one for the team – so Democrats can point to it and say,  “See? We prosecute evenly, and Trump didn’t even go to Jail. We are definitely fair.” Of course, the Little Guy will be spending his time in a Martha Stewart-like “Camp Cupcake” with all the comforts of a Biden Crime Family member behind bars.

In theory, the Low-information voters will process this the way the Dems’ want them to. In addition, the house arrest will save Biden from the embarrassment of losing a second debate against Donald Trump and allow the handlers to keep him in the basement. Biden will continue to bribe voters with taxpayer money as part of his strategy to win the election through such manipulation and their usual election week ground game.

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