How Germany’s Government Is Either Insane Or Outright Evil


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

After Germany under Hitler signed a peace agreement with Russia in 1939 not to invade Russia as Hitler’s two books (in 1925 and in 1928) had said that his imperialist-fascist regime would do (invade Russia in order to use Russia as “Lebensraum” for Germans), but then Germany did invade Russia in Germany’s biggest-ever military operation, Operation Barbarossa, which lasted four years but failed, and so Germany lost the WW2 that it had started; today’s Germany, under the control of the post-WW2 fascist-imperialist U.S. regime, is this time actually threatening to join with that fascist-imperialist American regime in order to invade Russia in an alleged ‘self-defense’ against Russia’s having finally invaded, in 2022, not Germany or any other NATO nation, but instead Russia’s nearest neighbor (only 317 miles away from The Kremlin) Ukraine.


 The U.S. regime had grabbed control of Ukraine in 2014, in order to get Ukraine into NATO so that an American nuclear missile could be placed there and blitz-annihilate Russia’s central command within only a five-minute missile-flight-time away from The Kremlin. Russia then finally demanded, of the U.S. regime and its NATO anti-Russian military alliance, on 17 December 2021, a promise never to allow Ukraine into NATO; but, on 7 January 2022, the U.S. and its NATO both refused; and, so, on 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, because it’s the only remaining way that Russia can prevent a U.S. nuke becoming positioned only 317 miles away from The Kremlin.

In fact, the U.S. regime’s intent to capture Russia is blatantly obvious by now; and, so, Germany’s now preparing to join the U.S. regime’s planned Operation Barbarossa #2 is clearly its return to Nazism, but this time under America’s leadership. It’s blatantly obvious because, when Finland in 2022 joined America’s NATO anti-Russian military alliance, the U.S. Government required Finland’s Government to allow onto Finland’s territory U.S. nuclear weapons so that the U.S. would be able to place its nukes only 507 miles away from The Kremlin — not as close as-if they could be placed in Ukraine only 317 miles from The Kremlin, but nonetheless closer than yet exists — and Finland said yes to that outrageous demand by the U.S. regime. So, Finland knew, at the time, that the real purpose of Finland’s joining NATO is not defensive against Russia (such as the lying Finnish leaders were claiming) but is extremely offensive against Russia. Back in WW2, Finland was participating in Nazi Germany’s Operation Barbarossa to conquer Russia; and, now, Finland’s Government wants to give that Operation a second try, but, this time, under American, instead of German, leadership.

Germany is planning for the invasion (‘deterrence’) to occur in 2029. Here is the opening of Der Spiegel’s 5 June 2024 article on that subject:

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