G7’s Hidden Agenda Of Mind Control During Elections


from Great Game India:

The recent release of the “Apulia G7 Leaders’ Communiqué” by the heads of state from G7 countries has stirred intrigue and concern alike. Spanning 36 pages, this document opens with a resolute commitment to stand by Ukraine indefinitely in its conflict with Russia. Yet, beyond this headline, lies a more clandestine agenda: a pledge to assert greater control over public opinion.

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Embedded within the text is a strategic initiative termed “FIMI” — Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference. This cryptic phrase serves as a code for their plans to manage and mold what people believe, particularly with regards to countering external influences. The Communiqué outlines measures intended to safeguard democratic processes, but critics wonder about the broader implications. Could this initiative extend to shaping electoral outcomes or other arenas of public discourse?

Here is the relevant G7 Communiqué text titled “Safeguarding Democratic Processes”:

“In a year during which millions worldwide choose their leaders and representatives, we reaffirm our commitment to safeguard democratic values and human rights. With the rapid evolution of emerging technology, we are more concerned than ever about Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) in our democratic institutions and processes, and how attempted interference campaigns, malicious cyber activities, and transnational repression collectively undermine sovereignty and democratic values.

“We pledge to strengthen our coordinated efforts to better prevent, detect, and respond to FIMI threats through human rights-respecting practices and by supporting freedom of expression and free, independent, and pluralistic media. We ask our relevant Ministers to bolster the G7 Rapid Response Mechanism by creating by the end of the year a collective response framework to counter foreign threats to democracies, including publicly exposing foreign operations of information manipulation. We also call on tech companies, in particular social media platforms, to intensify their efforts to prevent and counter FIMI campaigns and the potential abuse of AI for this purpose and work towards higher standards of transparency and accountability on these issues.

“We will continue our cooperation with governments and non-governmental partners to work towards the promotion of fact-based, quality, and trustworthy information and will support relevant international initiatives, in particular in the UN and OECD.”

As the world parses through the implications of this declaration, one thing remains clear: behind the solidarity towards Ukraine lies a subtle yet significant shift towards controlling the narrative on a global scale.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, at the recent G-7 summit Japan threatened to sanction India under the influence of Biden administration. In response to potential sanctions influenced by President Biden, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi announced considering action against companies in India, Uzbekistan, UAE, and China at the recent G-7 summit.

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