Sunday, September 22, 2024

Francis Collins, Redfield, Fauci, & Birx have handed Trump a gift


by Dr. Paul Alexander, America Outloud:

Francis Collins, Redfield, Fauci, & Birx have handed Trump a gift, and he must take it. Take the OFF-RAMP POTUS Trump! 45 has NOTHING to explain. They’re DOING it for him, evidencing how inept, dumb, incompetent, and malfeasant they always were. NOW they are trying AGAIN to hurt his elections in 2024 by coming out NOW to say 6-foot SOCIAL DISTANCING was made up; masks don’t work, lockdowns failed, and vaccines harm.


Why now? After four years, Redfield, you are coming out now with this nonsense almost CYA interview with Fredo Cuomo? Of all the people to talk with, seriously, you chose Fredo? Are you people not ashamed? Most of what you told Fredo did not make sense and needed proper interrogation. I have stated that I admire you and feel you are a good human being. Still, you were out of your depth in COVID. You were weak to the machinations of the CDC top brass, who, IMO, are some of the most corrupt, dangerous people who used and weaponized a great agency for public health for Democratic Party purposes. Now, you are making incredible statements, and it begs the question, why were you silent all along? Four years.

Now, Trump can sit back and watch you all unravel and let you sway in the wind…he should not sweat for you…for he took guidance from you, and you (and the Garden Gnome lilliputian Mengele Fauci and specious unscientific dolt nincompoop Birx) led the Task Force and pandemic response. It was Fauci’s and Birx’s lockdowns and school closures they pushed onto unsuspecting people.

Right out of the gate, we told you that you were wrong, and data and evidence quickly accumulated that the lockdowns were devastating. The vaccine was ineffective and harmful, non-sterilizing and non-neutralizing fast, plunging to negative effectiveness and having no effect in stopping infection in the vaccine or replication or stopping transmission.

We showed that this was never a vaccine if it did not stop transmission and did not function in a chemoprophylaxis (preventive) manner. Mandates were moot, dead in the water, and without basis. Yet you pushed the mRNA shot and now say it has harmed people?

What did the Canadian or US truckers know that you did not know? What did the tens of thousands of people know that you did not? What did Yeadon know, or McCullough, JJ Couey, Nick Hudson, Scott Atlas, Harvey Risch, Howard Tenenbaum, Ramin Oskoui, Lee Merritt, or myself? What did we know that you did not?

You power-hungry people just did not care!

You functioned as a clown car hurting POTUS Trump and, more so, the American people.

Where is your apology, Dr. Redfield, to the American people for all you said wrong and did wrong during COVID-19? Do the right thing, Sir; I know you have a conscience. I like you, we have had good debates and talks at HHS, and I do think you are smart and a God-fearing man, but you guys fucked POTUS Trump up…why?

If he had not locked down or looked into vaccines, the nation would have thought he was crazy, as there was no doctor or scientist, and would have said he was more concerned with keeping the economy open due to the election. He locked down, and people say he did for politics and the election, and Birx et al. knew they were lying to him. Once he gave them two weeks to bend the curve, they were never going to re-open the country!

All this to remind you that it was these very same Task Force people like Fauci and Redfield who hardened the lockdowns and extended them, pushed blue surgical masks and white cloth masks (man-made masks) that never worked and were toxic, especially for children.

It is the cast of Task Force characters who stood on that stage daily as the Clown Car Task Force and lied and lied and bullshitted the American people on all the lockdown lunatic policies, and now you bitches come along saying it was MADE UP? Did it not work? How many police did you kill with the vaccine? How many military have now died and are vaccine injured due to you all? How many business owners hung themselves on account of your lockdown lunatic policies that you now say did not work? And you want to try now to look like the good guys telling us it did not work?

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