FALSE FLAG? — ‘Racist’ Reform Volunteer in State TV Sting is Actor Specializing in ‘Secret Filming.’


by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Brexit leader Nigel Farage is raising questions about Andrew Parker, a low-level volunteer for his Reform Party who was secretly recorded calling Prime Minister Rishi Sunak a slur and saying boat migrants should be shot by state-owned Channel 4. Parker turns out to be a professional actor who has previously worked for Channel 4 and lists ‘Secret Filming’ as one of his specialties.

Farage says Parker initially lied to both Reform and The Telegraph newspaper about being an actor when the Channel 4 story broke. Parker now admits he is an actor, but denies he was acting when Channel 4 recorded his remarks about Sunak being a “f***ing Paki.”

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Farage has gone on to stress Parker lists ‘Secret Filming’ as one of his skills. “Will the media wake up?” Farage asked in a social media post.

In an appearance on Loose Women, similar to The View in the United States, Farage also noted that Parker describes himself as “well-spoken” but lists “rough speaking”—i.e. speaking with a more low-class accent—as another of his skills.

“I was in the office when he arrived [to campaign] last Saturday, and he was doing ‘rough speaking.’ It was an act right from the very start… He wasn’t being himself from day one. I have to tell you, this whole thing is a complete and total set-up,” Farage said.

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