Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT!


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died.  What does this mean to Americans?  The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country.  In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive.  Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars.  Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America.  When you have a lot of something, the price goes down.  The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today.


A few weeks ago, the Biden Administration started supplying missiles to Ukraine and gave the evil regime their permission to start shooting them into Russia.  What could go wrong with that hairbrained decision?  How about Russia is now sending nuclear armed subs and stealth submersible craft to patrol the US coastline.  How long will Russia allow the US to shoot missiles into Russia before it shoots a few into the US?  If a nuke hits Saint Louis, there will be no Republicans and Democrats anymore.  It will be just “We the People” sinking in the same boat.  Call your Congressman and Senator and ask them if they have lost their minds to be pulling this reckless stunt with Russia, a hypersonic nuclear armed country.  Really—call them.

It’s official.  The CV19 vax is NOT a vaccine.  It is a “treatment,” and it does not stop the spread of Covid or provide immunity.  The 9th Circuit Federal Court came to this conclusion this past week.  The CDC honchos changed the definition of vaccine when the CV19 shots came out a few years ago, and they have been lying to the public ever since.  The 9th Circuit ruling is the official admission that the entire country, with 700 million CV19 injections, was hit with one big deadly and debilitating fraud.  One thing the CV19 injections are good at is disabling and murdering its victims.  Don’t be surprised because, this week, Harvard Law professor Francis Boyle, who drafted the 1989 Bioweapons Act, went on record to say the CV19 injections are, in fact, “weapons of mass destruction.”  That is exactly what biotech analyst Karen Kingston said nearly three years ago on

There is more in the 50-minute newscast.

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