Despite Liberal Media Lies, The ‘Minds’ Of The Democrat Party Are Anti-Religious, Racist Ideologues With A ‘President’ Who Is Another Type Of RINO – Religious In Name Only


by David R. Carlin, All News Pipeline:

Watching a cable TV network the other day (I think it was CNN), I saw a brief discussion between a liberal and one of CNN’s token conservatives regarding the question of whether or not the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  In the discussion, the word “religion” obviously had reference above all to Christianity.  Nobody was talking about Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism, and probably not even Judaism.

The conservative asserted that the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  The liberal denied this.  To prove his point, the liberal reminded listeners that blacks are a major fraction of the Democrat party and that these same blacks are almost all of them Christian believers.  How absurd, then, to say that the party is anti-religious.


Also the other day (whether on CNN or MSNBC I cannot remember), somebody attempted to refute the “slander” that the Democrat party is anti-religious by asserting that Joe Biden, head of the Democrat party, is the “most religious” president of the USA that we have had for a long, long time.

You may ask me why I waste my time listening to the nonsense that is so plentifully available on CNN and MSNBC.  I do it for the same reason that, in my youth, I used to read the writings of Marx and Engels and other communists.  I wanted to learn what the enemy was saying.  (Let me apologize to Dr. Marx and his pal Mr. Engels if I have given the impression that they, real if erroneous thinkers, belong in the same intellectual bush league with the “philosophers” of CNN and MSNBC.)

If we wish to know whether or not the Democrat party is an anti-Christianity party, we have to look not at black Democrat church-goers and not at white Catholic Democrat church-goers and not at Protestant Democrat church-goers, but at people who compose “the mind” or “the intellect” of the Democrat party.  Who are these people?  They are the ideologues who create and disseminate the distinctive ideas of the party.  Almost never in recent times have these people been church-going Christians.  With only rare exceptions, they are hostile to Christianity.  Usually they are atheists or near-atheists, and the ideas they develop and spread are often radically incompatible with Christianity, at least as that religion has been understood for almost all of the last 2,000 years and is still understood by most Christians even today — such ideas as:

• the moral rightness of unrestricted sexual freedom, provided the sexual behavior in question is based on mutual consent

• the right to unlimited abortion,

• the moral rightness of homosexual practice

• the right to same-sex marriage

• the moral rightness of choosing a transgender identity

• the moral rightness of voluntary euthanasia

• the rightness of teaching the above ideas to children in public schools

Where are these ideologues to be found? Are they scattered evenly throughout the American population? Are they scattered evenly throughout the Democrat party? Far from it.

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