by Derek Hunter, Townhall:
I haven’t liked them for a while now, but after this garbage involving former President Donald Trump and their hypocrisy about the “respecting the justice system” while the President brags about defying the Supreme Court on student loans and they all try to smear conservative Justices at every turn has me now thinking I wouldn’t give them the Heimlich Maneuver if they were choking, or even pee on them if they were on fire. Democrats truly are disgusting.
I’d add a joke about meaning that in the nicest possible way, but I don’t. I wish them ill. I wish them what they deserve. I wish Joe Biden everything that smug smirk of his deserves as he half-dead shuffled his way out of the room after reading his staff-prepared statement on this on Friday. At this point, the only time he moves like someone who doesn’t have one foot and 4 toes in the grave is when he’s dancing on the grave of his son Beau to deflect responsibility from one of his other disgraces.
While he’s responsible for it, Joe is not alone. He’s suffering from dementia, about which there is no doubt, but it’s difficult to say just how deeply he has sunk into that abyss because he’s also very stupid, and always has been.
Whether it is senility or stupidity, history needs to be harsh on this sack of excrement. Sure, Hell is awaiting this false Catholic for eternity, but the eternity of human history needs to reflect him accurately as well. He’s the new Jimmy Carter who should face criminal probes from every Republican Attorney General or District Attorney in the country. His family has more LLCs that most small towns, find some pass-thru or connection to justify jurisdiction and go to town.