by Steve Watson, Summit News:
Article claims that doctors guess at what biological sex children are
CNN has a piece on its website offering advice for parents on what to do when children barely older than toddlers say they might be non binary or transgender.
Take a wild stab in the dark at what the advice consists of.
“When your kid comes out as trans, here’s what to do,” the column states before moving on to opinions provided by someone called Nova Bright-Williams, a trans identifying individual running something called the Trevor Project, a ‘crisis organization’ for LGBTQ+ children.
“When your child tells you they’re trans, your first response should be to thank them for sharing and learning about their experience,” Bright-Williams says.
Not entertaining the notion that a child with less than 1500 days life experience may have been born in the wrong body “could not only cause hurt and anger but also could ruin chances of a long-term relationship,” The report further advises.
Parenting advice from @CNN: if your 4-year-old starts talking about gender identity, you need to listen. To the four-year-old. Who is 4. Years old.
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) June 2, 2024
The article offers a case study where a six year old asked questions such as “Mom, am I a boy? How do you know I’m a boy?”
The mother told CNN “Once I clued in, I said, ‘The doctors make a best guess based on your body… but only you can know, and we love you no matter what.’”
What? Doctors guess biological sex? Since when?