Buckle Up: CDC Lays Groundwork for Next Pandemic


by Mark A. Hewitt, American Thinker:

As if on cue, the Centers for Disease Control issued their latest attempt to terrify the public on…spin the wheel…the ball lands on vingt-deux: the horrors of Dengue Fever!

Before Barack Obama wandered onto the political scene, the CDC were the undisputed leader in protecting public health and safety through controlling and preventing disease, injury, and disability in the U.S. and the world.  After Obama, you would have to be blind not to see that the CDC have been fully compromised and are no longer a responsible public health organization.

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The COVID debacle was not their finest moment.  If you value your health, you have to question and scrutinize everything that comes from them.

What does that mean?  Well, we sure are getting a whole lot of alerts on the infectious disease du jour.  First it was COVID, then Monkeypox, then the Marburg virus.  Now it is Dengue Fever.  If this is anything like the last manufactured pandemic (that never materialized), where Americans have been conditioned to line up like sheep for an unnecessary, unproven, and experimental — and mandatory — Emergency Use Authorization mRNA vaccine, you can expect a lot of misinformation.

Nicole Acevedo is the latest fear porn reporter and cites an array of statistics to prove the CDC’s thesis on the dangers of Dengue Fever.  The number “of cases” suggests that the occurrence of Dengue is increasing in America.  That may be so, but I challenge her reporting.

My reference is a pre-Obama/Fauci CDC (when they weren’t compromised) product: the U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-11.9, titled “POTENTIAL MILITARY CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL AGENTS AND COMPOUNDS,” with the latest edition published in 2005.  You can find a list of “potential” bioweapons agents on page IV-2.  Right there on the page, nine viruses above the “racist” Monkeypox and Marburg virus is Dengue Fever.

On page 148 of the pdf (or IV-15), directly from the FM, the specifics for “Dengue Fever” are listed.

c. Dengue Fever.

(1) Infectious Agent. Dengue-1, Dengue-2, Dengue-3, and Dengue-4. They are all flaviviruses.  (Any of a family of single-stranded RNA viruses transmitted especially by ticks and mosquitoes and including the causative agents of dengue, hepatitis C, hog cholera, Saint Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus, and yellow fever).

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