Bill Gates: You can either fix cows to stop their emissions, or you can make beef without the cow


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Last year self-appointed globalist technocrat Bill Gates said that 6% of global emissions are from cows.  “You can either fix the cows to stop them doing that, or you can make beef without the cow,” he said.

To reduce emissions, he said, for richer nations the only solution was synthetic protein alternatives and “for Africa and other poor countries, we’ll have to use animal genetics.”

Although this is last year’s news, we are reminding readers what Gates and his cronies aim to do.


In January 2023, Gates spouted his non-expert opinion on Reddit about global warming goals which was then amplified by corporate media. CNBC was one of Gates’ foghorns:

A week later, the self-appointed expert on global warming joined the Lowy Institute, an Australian think tank.

On 23 January 2023, Lowy Institute hosted Bill Gates for an “in-person conversation” with Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove about global health, pandemic preparedness, food security and climate change.

Lowy Institute described Gates as a philanthropist, technologist, innovator and investor.  It’s fantastically bizarre how far removed from public opinion self-styled elites are.  While there is no doubt that he is an investor, there can’t be many in the world who think Gates is a philanthropist, technologist or innovator. Neither do we think he is an expert in global health, pandemic preparedness, food security or climate change so why any self-respecting think tank would waste their time asking for Gates’ non-opinion is beyond our understanding.

Nevertheless, the Lowly Institute gave Gates 60 minutes of airtime.  And Gates did what Gates always does, marketed his latest scheme.

“The opportunities created by a world that is getting rid of greenhouse gas emissions – Australia is rare in that the opportunities exceed the things you have to give up – you have to give up a large part of the, and eventually almost all of the, coal mining activity, uh you know what happens with beef,” Gates told Fullilove.

“My climate group, Breakthrough Energy, just announced literally today an investment in an Australian group called Rumin8 that helps cows not be so much a source of methane emissions,” Gates said.

As reported by Slay News, Rumin8 planned to disrupt the methane-emitting animal agriculture industry with a lab-grown feed additive.  The Perth-based firm was developing a supplement for livestock made from synthetically replicated bromoform, the active ingredient found in a red seaweed.

Without mentioning Rumin8’s lab-grown cow feed, Gates continued: “So, we have two paths to solving that – that’s six per cent of global emissions or cows who burp and fart methane to an extreme degree – you can either fix the cows to stop them doing that or you can make beef without the cow. And both of those will be pursued to see which one can lead to the best product in terms of taste, health and cost.”

“So, it’s great to have Australia engage in climate. You know, the world isn’t going to trade with people who don’t have serious climate commitment,” he threatened.

Lowy Institute: Preparing for Global Challenges: In Conversation with Bill Gates, 22 January 2023 (60 mins)

To invest in the scarcity they are manufacturing, Gates teamed up with Ray Dalio, Jeff Bezos and other multibillionaire “philanthropists” – such as Chinese tech entrepreneur Jack Ma and UK business magnate Richard Branson – to form Breakthrough Energy Ventures (“BEV”), a venture capital fund, which was launched in December 2016.

Read More: UN’s goal to reduce carbon emissions is a scam to enable the rich to become richer off the backs of the poor

Gates frequently plugs BEV.  For example, in the middle of a pre-recorded speech for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit last November, Gates said it was “created to help with climate mitigation.” And during an interview with MIT Technology Review in December 2020 about his book ‘How to Avoid a Climate Disaster’, Gates managed to promote several companies in which he is an investor, either personally or through BEV.  During this interview, which was published in February 2021, Gates was asked how hopeful he was in reducing emissions in agriculture. He answered:

BEV has invested in more than 100 start-up companies.  Some of BEV’s projects are:

  • Reducing carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade. Read more HERE.
  • Synthetic lab-made breast milk. Read more HERE.
  • One of BEV’s start-up investments is in KoBold Metals, a Californian exploration firm that uses AI and machine learning to identify global battery metal deposits. KoBold has invested $150 million in the Zambian copper mining Mingomba project.
  • Another BEV startup is Pivot Bio which, to replace fertilisers, is genetically engineering microbes to produce nitrogen for plants.

From cutting down trees to genetically engineering microbes, it is obvious that Bill Gates has no interest in improving the natural world, environment, climate or people’s lives – he is only interested in maximising the return on his investments.

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