Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026


by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

The Biden government is seeking an 18-month delay in releasing COVID-19 vaccine safety data, pushing potential disclosure until at least 2026. This regime claims an influx of pandemic-related information requests is overwhelming the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and that releasing vaccine records requires extensive staff training and onboarding, which could take up to two years.

“This is a typical government excuse which is,’ Oh, we’re so busy, we don’t have the resources to help provide you, the American people with the information that you need,’” says America First Legal lawyer, Gene Hamilton, representing Just the News, which is requesting vaccine safety records under freedom of information laws.


Hamilton characterizes the regime’s position on the vaccination records as, “you just need to wait until 18 months from now. And maybe you’ll get to see it, maybe you won’t. And what they’re hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it.”

America First Legal and Just the News are suing the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for data on Covid vaccine reactions “kept in a back-end, nonpublic system.” This is separate from the public Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

“The public-facing database contains only initial reports, while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections – such as a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death,” the lawsuit notes, citing examples of vaccine-induced deaths not recorded in VAERS.

“They’re going to continue to cover up the real damage being done by… what I would consider now very dangerous, very suspect mRNA vaccines,” commented Senator Ron Johnson.

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