Anthony Fauci Sits on the Political Hot Seat to be Blamed for the False Wuhan Lab Leak Psyop for COVID as REAL Crimes go Unaddressed


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Most all of the “news” headlines yesterday were about the latest circus act playing in Washington D.C. in the halls of the U.S. Congress where the day’s entertainment show was hosted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where the starring performance was acted out by Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID director and one of the master minds behind the 2020 military campaign implemented by then Commander in Chief, President Donald Trump, and his Operation Warp Speed military campaign that he unleashed against the American people.


If you missed it, don’t worry, as it was a summer re-run from previous performances under the “COVID-19 Virus Wuhan Lab Leak Theory“, a D.C. TV series that has been running the past few years produced mainly by Senator Rand Paul.

If our readers have been wondering why I have spent so little time in recent months covering the issues of COVID-19, and the most lethal bioweapon that has ever been unleashed into the human race, the COVID-19 bioweapons, it is because that story has already been written, and all that is playing in “theaters” these days are re-runs.

If you search for “COVID” on Health Impact News, you will get over 1,600 results out of the 8,600+ articles published on Health Impact News since 2011.

So for those of you with short memories or who have never investigated the 1,600+ articles we have already published on this topic, let’s have a short review here about how this scam started, and who should be tried for treason and war crimes against the U.S. public, for crimes committed under COVID that are now all a matter of public record.

The Wuhan Lab Leak Narrative is a Distraction from the Truth

First, in case you missed it, the entire Wuhan lab leak theory was totally debunked in the PlanDemic film produced by Mikki Willis in 2020, where Dr. David Martin revealed that the patents filed for the COVID-19 coronavirus were filed as far back as 1999, and there never was a “new virus” that appeared in 2019-2020 as advertised. See:

PLANDEMIC: Full Feature Film Released Online Amidst Tremendous Opposition and Attempts to Censor it

Dr. David Martin was a leading voice of REAL science and reasoning during the entire COVID scam, explaining to the public that not only was the originally advertised COVID-19 “virus” a scam, but so are all the subsequent “variants.”

In 2021 we published a report that exposed how one of those COVID “virus variants” that first appeared in Africa, was actually simulated first in Pfizer’s human laboratory, Israel.

The New COVID Variant Scam was Simulated in Israel Weeks before it was “Discovered”

In that article I featured a video of Dr. David Martin being interviewed by Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, where he explained how there were no variants of COVID-19, as they were all computer models of specific gene sequences.

We extracted about 19 minutes of that interview and it is on our Bitchute channel.

At around the 14-minute mark of this video, Dr. Martin states:

There is no such thing as an alpha, or beta, or gamma delta variant. This is a means by which what is desperately sought is a degree to which individuals can be coerced into accepting something that they would not otherwise accept.

There has not been in any of the published studies on what has been reportedly the delta variant, there has not been a population “are not” calculated, which is the actual replication rate.

What has been estimated, are computer simulations.

There has been no ability to identify any clinically altered gene sequence, which then has a clinically expressed variation.

And this is the problem all along. This is the problem going back to the very beginning of what’s alleged to be a pandemic, is that we do not have any evidence that the gene sequence alteration had any clinical significance whatsoever.

There has not been a single paper, published by anyone, that has actually established that anything novel since November of 2019 has clinical distinction from anything that predates November of 2019.

The problem with the 73 patents that I described, is that those 73 patents all contain what was reported to be novel in December and January of 2019 and 2020 respectively.

So the problem is that even if we were to accept that there are idiopathic pneumonias, even if we were to accept that are are some set of pathogen induced symptoms, we do not have a single piece of published evidence that tells us that anything about the subclades Sars-CoV-2 has clinical distinction from anything that was known and published prior to November 2019 in 73 patents dating to 2008.

There is no, and I am going to repeat this, there is no evidence that the Delta variant is somehow distinct from anything else GISAID.

The fact that we are now looking for a thing does not mean it is a thing, because we are looking at fragments of things, and the fact is that if we choose any fragment, I could come up with, you know, I could come up with variant “omega” tomorrow.

And I could come up with variant “omega” and I could say I’m looking for this sub strand of either DNA or RNA, or even a protein, and I could run around the world going “Oh my gosh! Fear the omega variant!”

And the problem is, that because of the nature of the way in which we currently sequence genomes, which is actually a compositing process, is what we call in mathematics an “inter-leaving,” we don’t have any point of reference that actually know whether or not the thing we are looking at is in fact distinct from either clinical or even genomic sense.

And so we’re trapped in a world where unfortunately, if you go and look, as I have, at the papers that isolated the Delta variant, and actually ask the question, is the Delta variant anything other than the selection of a sequence in a systematic shift of an already disclosed other sequence, the answer is, it’s just an alteration in when you start and stop what you call the reading frame.

The entire video is only 19 minutes long. David Martin speaks very slowly, so you could speed it up and watch it quicker very easily.

So anything you see in the media about a “Wuhan lab leak theory” is just a distraction from the real issues.

The one good thing that did result from revealing the COVID scam, was that more people woke up to the fact that viruses are not even living organisms, but solely the creation of computer technology, and these viruses are spread by FEAR, not biological contamination.

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