ANALYSIS: Why the cabal’s attacks on President Trump and Alex Jones are coordinated to steal the 2024 election by removing Trump from state ballots


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

It is no coincidence that the Alex Jones / InfoWars studios are threatened with imminent takedown and liquidation just days after Donald J. Trump was “convicted” in a sham show trial. Expect another major hit against pro-America conservatives in the coming days. These hits are all engineered to achieve the specific outcome of provoking enough outrage to spark a spontaneous insurrection attempt against a rogue regime that has clearly gone full totalitarian, presenting a clear and present danger to the future of this republic. This regime needs just enough of a provoked insurrection to augment it with their own false flag crisis actors, FBI front groups and planted materials that can later be described as terrorist ordnance by the complicit media, which has long since abandoned any faint memory of functioning as an independent press. Trump was chosen for the lawfare hit job because they desperately need a felony on his record for ballot disqualification reasons stated below, and Jones was targeted because his audience is younger and more prone to revolutionary-style thinking which, the government hopes, might translate into spontaneous insurrection activities that could be harnessed or counterfeited by the feds and then blamed on Jones. (MK Ultra top graduates are no doubt having the sheep dip goo cleaned off them right now, readying them for full activation.)


The regime needs, in other words, to resurrect the J6 narrative on a much larger scale so they can declare all Trump supporters to be domestic terrorists, thereby legally justifying the recently-reauthorized FISA warrantless spying on the American people, which Speaker Johnson gleefully approved after a secret coercion meeting with the intelligence community. Since FISA spying requires no legitimate warrants or court approval, they can then use this to hoover up all the phone call audio data, texts, emails and meta data for all those deemed to be Trump supporters, gathering up a treasure trove of intel on not just the public at large, but also business leaders, members of Congress and even SCOTUS justices whom they desperately want to blackmail into resigning or recusing on key decisions. This blackmail material will also be leveraged against state lawmakers to achieve the Trump ballot ban, covered below.

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The removal of Trump from state ballots

It’s not difficult to imagine a fed-initiated “extremism” event being concocted in the weeks ahead, followed by a barely-coherent Joe Biden lecturing America on why all Trump supporters are “dangerous extremists who must not be allowed to dictate the direction of our country by intimidating fellow Americans during election season” or similar pandering nonsense. To achieve this, Biden will insist, dozens of US states with Dem governors or blue legislatures must take action to remove Trump from the ballot entirely, justifying this by citing both Trump’s “34 felony convictions” and whatever acts of “insurrection violence” the deep state can conjure up and loosely blame on Trump supporters in the mean time. Trump’s very existence on the ballots will be loudly derided as a “threat to democracy,” where the term “democracy” doesn’t mean what you and I normally think it means. It actually means the institutions of government corruption, coercion and power.

With Trump removed from the ballots in several key states – and write-ins discarded by law – it will be impossible for Trump to achieve 50% of the popular vote. The “official” popular vote (after Trump is removed from ballots across key US states) will go to Joe Biden. This will trigger the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), which will have achieved the necessary 270 electoral vote threshold before election day as remaining states rush the legislation through between now and November. This means that those states’ electoral votes MUST be granted to the winner of the “popular vote,” which will of course be Pretender-In-Chief Joe Biden since Trump will be banned from so many state ballots. (This strategy was brought to my attention by Zach Vorhies @PerpetualManiac in an interview I conducted with him on Friday, which will be posted here in the next day or two.)

In this way, Dems will once again steal the election and claim to have been democratically elected by the majority of the people, even though most of America now clearly supports Trump and absolutely despises what Biden and the Democrats have done to America (inflation, open borders, censorship, destruction of the rule of law, international wars, defunding police, etc.).

Republicans are fighting the wrong battle on election integrity

Every four years, in other words, Dems come up with a whole new way to steal each election. While establishment Republicans are still fighting for “election integrity” to stop the kind of steal that took place in 2020, the Dems already have a whole new scheme being implemented with the NPVIC. Having Trump convicted of a felony – ANY felony – was a necessary step to push for removing him from ballots across just enough states to make sure he can’t possibly achieve 50% of the popular vote. This is why Bragg and the NY court system were willing to self-immolate and destroy the entire foundation of the rule of law in NY in order to get these felony charges into Trump’s rap sheet, timed so that he can’t possibly complete a successful appeal and reversal of the charges before blue states decide whether or not to remove Trump from their ballots. SCOTUS has already ruled that states can legislate their own rules for qualifications and disqualifying criteria for federal elections, so there’s no way that SCOTUS can intervene and stop this from happening. Besides, the blue states are all-in with the election cheating anyway, as they are also terrified of surrendering their political futures to the will of the voters.

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