A Terrifying Combo: Biden and the Nuclear Football


by Noel S. Williams, American Thinker:

Not Biden’s age, as such, but his cognitive decline renders him disabled. His aiders and abettors discharge most of the duties of the office, with him serving as a useful idiot. He’s just a clueless figurehead. But there is one thing the malevolent minions cannot usurp from his duties: he has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. Outside of the White House, that authority can be initiated by the Presidential Emergency Satchel, colloquially called the Nuclear Football.

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Is there anything — anything — more terrifying than a bumbling Biden in control of such a thing? The possessed Dem demon with dementia is always within reach of the Football. Under military supervision, it follows him everywhere.

It is one thing to be comfortably secluded with top advisors in the White House Situation Room, or the National Military Command Center, or equivalent, but entirely another to grapple with the Football  while flummoxed on the road. And that seems to be Biden’s constant mental state. Speedy decisions, at least rational ones, are well beyond his capacity.

There are presidential military aides (representing the six branches of the armed forces) who are on duty, scheduled by a top-secret rota, who trail the president with Football in hand As one previous football-carrying military aide put it: “I opened it up constantly just to refresh myself, to always be aware of what was in it, all the potential decisions the president could possibly make.”

If a (then) young-ish (certainly compared to feeble Biden), and alert military aide must obsessively do that, what chance does demented Biden stand of understanding the contents on a moment’s notice? Contents including a “black book” with a cryptic set of documents presenting launch options, including targets, and delivery systems. Cryptic, that is. Biden can’t comprehend anything straightforward, let alone cryptic. He even stumbles through note cards in meetings.

But even if the ominous “black book” in the doomsday satchel offers an overly-simplified menu of strike choices, the president must still read from a plastic card, known as the “biscuit,” containing special identification codes to reveal his identity. Yikes. Biden can barely read from a prompter with giant fonts, let alone understand what the heck he is blubbering on about (e.g. “end quote”).

So while he may not have launch codes, per se, or a red button to push, the biscuit is crucial as it verifies the authority of the person giving launch orders. Once the order is given, it filters down through layers of command and control, but the desperate reality is that once the Football is opened, circumstances would inevitably spiral out of control.

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