from Moonbattery:
The sick cult of transgenderism has metastasized into a truly totalitarian ideology, imposed by the government on every aspect of society.
Women’s sports are the most obvious example. We can’t have them anymore — because transgenderism:
The Biden administration’s pro-transgender rewrite of Title IX rules is hiding rule changes that could end single-sex K-12 sports as soon as August 2024.
Typically of totalitarian societies, we are required to explicitly reject objective reality in favor of the ideology being imposed:
At issue are the segments that seem to require schools to use the “pronouns” demanded by trans identifying kids in schools.
Compelled speech is a violation of the First Amendment. But the US Constitution is easily dismissed as transphobic.
Transgenderism is important to our ruling class because it can be used as a sledgehammer to smash Christianity and conscience:
In a wide-ranging final rule released Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) strengthened the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) rules that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, in certain health programs and activities.
By defining any resistance to transgender depravity as “discrimination on the basis of sex,” liberals can steamroll over religious objections to inflicting sex change atrocities on children:
The final rule comes at a time when GOP-led states are curtailing access to gender-affirming medical care.
Note that this is from the liberal outlet The Hill and is therefore written in Orwellian Euphemese. “Gender-affirming medical care” means “gender-denying sex change procedures.”
Advocates were concerned that the previous policies would have made it easier for doctors, hospitals and insurance companies to deny care or coverage to transgender and nonbinary patients…
For now, doctors can still object on grounds of conscience. But they have to prove to bureaucrats and the increasingly ultraleft healthcare establishment that a “sincerely-held belief” prevents them from wanting to mutilate children, rather than simple decency a.k.a. transphobia. That would put the kibosh on many a career.
It isn’t only doctors who are pressured to succumb to the Regime’s ideology. Even pharmacists must comply. Law & Liberty draws our attention to an article published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association entitled “Exploring LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency and DEI in Continuing Education: A Cross-Sectional Review of U.S. Pharmacy Legislation”:
The article … approvingly writes about California Assembly Bill 2194 that requires an hour of continuing education in so-called cultural competency for pharmacists (approximately 32,000) and pharmacy technicians (approximately 37,000) to renew their licenses: “Requiring LGBTQ+ cultural competency training will help pharmacists uphold the Oath of a Pharmacist to promote inclusion, embrace diversity, and advocate for justice to advance health equity and to assure optimal outcomes for all patients.”
In other words, Californians must undergo brainwashing in transgenderism to work as a pharmacist.
The tyranny applies beyond the medical profession. Whatever your line of work, you are required to comply with transgenderism:
In landmark guidance, [a] federal commission created to fight racial and sexual discrimination declared Monday that employers that fail to use a worker’s preferred pronoun or refuse them the chance to use the restroom of their choice will be engaging in prohibited harassment.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission published the new harassment guidelines Monday after voting along partisan lines on Friday to approve them, even in the face of opposition from nearly two dozen red states.
Employers are actually required by the government to refer to men as “her” and to allow male perverts to invade private facilities intended for women. Stalin himself never imagined a form of totalitarianism this intrusive.