by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:
It’s not a mystery to me. You always follow the money. Who benefited financially from this scamdemic? If the vaccines were truly safe and effective, why did Big Pharma require immunity from liability in order to sell these toxic potions for hundreds of billions to governments around the world?
Certain people and certain companies became outrageously rich during this scamdemic, while the average person has seen their standard of living plummet due to inflation and millions of small businesses were systematically destroyed. Always follow the money. The perpetrators should hang for their crimes. Hang em all.
Vaccines normally take 10 years to test to make sure they’re not toxic & don’t kill people or cause more harm than good.
What is shocking to me is not that these Vaccines that were rushed to market at warp speed turned out to be toxic & harmful, but I’m shocked at how…
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) May 8, 2024
This is how they pulled it off
— Ryan Buikema (@prolificinvent) May 8, 2024
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