The SV40 Cancer Story Questioned – It’s not a Virus, But What’s the Connection to Cancer?


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

It has been claimed for the last few decades that Simian Virus 40 (SV40) infections cause cancer in humans. this is mainly because the genetic sequence attributed to SV40 has been found in various cancer cells in humans and lab animals. According to medical doctor Professor Anita Baxas this is because ‘lab animals developed cancer when injected with a concoction thrown into the Vero cell cultures claimed to contain SV40.’ However, SV40 is not a virus, but may well be plasmid (circular DNA) either purposely constructed or naturally from Vero cell cultures that creates a protein which blocks tumour suppressor genes, claims Professor Baxas.


The Professor also claims that ‘the same procedures for virus detection have been done for SV40 and provides no evidence that it is a ‘virus’ nor that it even exists see here The Questionable Virus Theory

In the following article Professor Baxas Questions the sv40 cancer story and explains that major carcinogens such as Graphene Oxide and EMFs are received and emitted by nano technology inside the body and along with government approved exposure to known carcinogens in the environment is what could actually be what is causing the “explosion of cancer.’

The SV40 Cancer Story Questioned.

by Anita Baxas MD

For nearly 60 years it has been claimed that Simian Virus 40 infections cause cancer in humans. The prime suspect has been the polio vaccine1,2 widely used in the late 1950ies grown in green monkey kidney cell cultures, the Vero cells still used today as cell cultures to “prove” the existence of and to grow “viruses”.

There is ample lack of evidence that viruses exist. To not overextend this article, please read the Substack explaining this lack of evidence here:

As the same procedures,3,4,5,6,7 for virus detection have been done for SV40 as for all the other “viruses”, this too provides no evidence that SV40 exists and is a virus. The main reason why it is accused of causing cancer is that the genetic sequence attributed to SV40 has been found in various cancer cells in humans and lab animals8,9. Another reason is that when lab animals were injected with a concoction of the stuff thrown into the Vero cell cultures claimed to contain SV40, they develop cancers. The claimed mechanism is that SV40 inhibits certain genes that are supposed to suppress tumor growth. They are tumor suppressor genes such as p53 and others10. The reason is that the virus wants the cell to replicate the virus and thus needs to stop processes that would inhibit this. This is attributed to a T-Antigen that binds to these suppressor genes and thus stops their suppressing function of cell division11..

What is a T-Antigen? It’s simply a genetic sequence among the DNA strand attributed to SV40 that codes for a protein that seems to bind to tumor suppressor genes. The T Antigen of SV40 seems to bind preferably to L-1 DNA in human cells. These are also called jumping genes that use a copy – paste mechanism to propagate themselves throughout the genome. L-1 is active in the germ line during the formation of an embryo. In cancer growth they are erroneously activated and may cause instability in the genome, a hallmark for the emergence of uncontrolled cell division aka cancer12.

Now what is a tumor? It basically is the proliferation of cells by mitosis (cell division). This is what happens when a fetus grows during pregnancy for example. During this time, these tumor suppressor genes aren’t active, or cells couldn’t divide and the fetus couldn’t develop and grow.

Might there be something in monkey kidney cell cultures that can have this effect?

An unrelated study examined the mechanism by which particular kidney cells13 (nephrons) multiply during the last trimester of pregnancy. A particular genetic sequence is required in order for these particular kidney cells to multiply. These genetic sequences code for proteins that inhibit tumor suppressor genes. The term tumor suppressor gene is a bit misleading. It’s simply a gene that serves to inhibit cell division when it is appropriate to do so. During fetal tissue growth such inhibition is not appropriate as the fetus grows by cell division. They examined the mechanism in monkey fetus kidneys of the same type of monkey that the monkey kidney cells (Vero cells) are derived from. They found the mechanism in humans and these monkeys is identical. Could these genetic sequences be the ones misinterpreted as the ones from SV40? It seems other “viruses” are also accused of inhibiting tumor suppressor genes such as Rotavirus14. These too would have been “found” in Vero cell cultures.

In 2014 researchers examined Vero cell cultures15 and the genetic sequence. Among other abnormalities they found a major deletion of chromosome 12 that contains genes important for cell cycle functions. This could lie behind the continuous replication of Vero cells in culture. Thus, these cells constantly divide and replicate. If vaccines are made from this concoction of cell culture, fetal bovine serum (FETAL!) is it possible that the drive to replicate is transfected to human cells that then begin replicating into a tumor?

Could there be another explanation?

The DNA of the claimed SV40 is circular like a plasmid. Plasmids are circular DNA molecules outside of the chromosome. They are often constructed and inserted into E. Coli bacteria or cell cultures in order to have them produce a specific protein. Now we could become a little paranoid and think that maybe for nefarious reasons, plasmids were made and inserted into either the Vero cell cultures used to create vaccines or directly into “vaccines”, particularly more recent ones, to purposefully create an epidemic of cancer.

Circular DNA of SV40

According to Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D. Professor of Cancer Molecular Genetics University of South Carolina, Pfizer jabs were “contaminated” with plasmids, and he suspects they were integrated into the DNA and modified the genome.16

I’m just asking questions and connecting some dots here. There is so far no evidence for the malicious purposeful insertion of cancer – causing plasmids. As of now it is claimed that it was a contamination.

What else could be causing the explosion of cancers?

Graphene Oxide found in the Covid jabs is a massive free radical that depletes the body’s antioxidants Glutathione and SOD within a few hours leaving it defenseless against this monstrous free radical which then can go on a rampage and destroy chromosomes, break and mutate DNA, cut up cell membranes and cause massive inflammation. We all know that mutating DNA is a major cause for cells to turn cancerous.

Destroyed and malfunctioning cell membranes too are causing cancer. Let me explain how that works: When we connect the information17 of Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD in his book called Healing is Voltage and of Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD in his book The Body Electric we find that changing the voltage of a cell to positive causes the cell to regress/de-differentiate into an adult stem cell.

Dr. Becker did a lot of research on Salamanders to see what happens on a cellular level when they regrow a missing limb. He measured the cellular voltage of healthy limb cells before and after amputating a limb from the poor Salamanders. He found that the normal voltage was – 10 mV. But after amputating a limb, the voltage shot up to + 25 mV which caused normal cells to dedifferentiate into adult stem cells out of which new limb tissue grew. Then the voltage drops to -30 mV while a new leg is grown. During that time the voltage gradually drops to the normal -10mV. So, it looks like the increase in voltage with reversal of the charge from negative to positive is the stimulus that causes normal tissue cells to dedifferentiate into adult stem cells.

Dr. Tennant built on this information and discovered that cancer cells and placental cells in pregnant women basically react the same way. Both invade other tissues and organize their own blood supply through angiogenesis. Microscopically placental cells and cancer cells look alike, and both secrete chorionic gonadotrophic hormone. So, cancer is nothing more than the body making a placenta in the wrong place and at the wrong time. The stimulus to make a placenta is the cellular increase to a positive voltage. Normal cellular voltage in humans is -20 to -25 millivolts. When the cell needs to repair itself, the voltage even goes to -50mV.  Dr. Tennant theorizes that if the voltage increases further than +25 to +30mV the adult stem cells continue to dedifferentiate to become cancer cells.  When you insert enough electrons to return the voltage to as low as -60mV, the cancer cells should differentiate back into adult stem cells and then back into normal tissue cells.

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