Thursday, March 6, 2025

The forthcoming ‘French Revolution’


by Prof. Pedro Blas González, America Outloud:

The German philosopher and writer Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) pointed out that the French Revolution was a bloodbath brought on by Jacobin terror. That it truly was. After contemplating the causes of this form of intellectualized barbarism, Schiller offers some thoughts on how to avoid this human carnage in the future. Hopeful words. But…

Given man’s historical record of envy, malice, and resentment, what, if anything, has been learned from history?


This remains an open question. To make historical conditions worse, consider the radicalization and balkanization of man that the world has witnessed since Karl Marx created the techniques for man to systematically turn on each other.

To cite Schiller, “How many great moments have found a little people in history?” History is a vast river of wasted opportunities. Will the future be any different?

Since Schiller’s death, untold bloodletting that originates in the ever-plotting mind and actions of totalitarians has taken place in our world. WWI, WWII, and the over one hundred million people massacred by communism, that grown-up bastard child of the French Revolution quickly came to mind.

Today’s meat-packing psychopath globalists and Marxists want a piece of the pie. Morally/spiritually gutted people become bored and restless in times of peace; diffuse anxiety and angst ramp up. These are some of the symptoms of the pathology that build an altar to here-and-now nihilism.

In the absence of meaning and purpose, life becomes a rudderless quest to kill the hours that threaten to kiss us.

Marx capitalized upon the absence of meaning and purpose, turning every aspect of human life and reality into fodder for social/political exploitation. How can life-affirming values escape this premeditated, intellectualized terror?

Cunning Marxists exploit misery and tragedy. Chiefly, the misery that Marxism deems necessary, given the notion that ‘the end justifies the means.’

This is the extent of postmodern life: human life that is deprived of purpose and meaning becomes ripe for social engineering and social/political radicalization; man, a disposable carnal commodity that serves the globalist powerbrokers who run our lives.

How to cope with moral/spiritual emptiness in postmodernity, we ask? The State has the answers, we are led to believe.

Why not turn the techniques of mechanization and computation in the digital age into the weaponization of politics and balkanization that atomize the human person, turning people into self-loathing and willing cattle to be driven by globalist totalitarians? These are only some forms of control that subjugate people in postmodernity.

The legacy of people who swear by messianism of the here and now is to cling to sensual elixirs that allegedly soothe the emptiness brought on by depravity, spiritual vacuity, radical ideology, and nihilism.

We must subjugate the Other! This is the credo of elites, globalists, despots, and psychopaths – their manifesto to power.

With the looming catastrophes that elite globalists are creating for unsuspecting people the world over, it dawns on thoughtful people – the adults in the room – that our institutions and governments are operated by people who have no bearing and respect for human reality. What effect does this form of dissociation from reality have on personal life? How do the values of such people affect public life and the lives of others?

Psychopaths are selfish, self-serving, narcissistic, and opportunist predators. They project their malignant intentions on the thoughts and actions of other people to hide the destructive trajectory of their values and choices.

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